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Contact & office search
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Your visit with us
Organizational chart of the city administration: Business distribution plan
Division OBM
- Mayor's and Press Office (13)
- Audit Office (14)
- Data Protection Officer (DS)
- Equal Opportunities Officer (GB)
Department of Sport, Health, Fire and Civil Protection (I)
- Office for Fire and Civil Protection (37)
- Office for Sport and Health Promotion (52)
- Operation for Urban Greenery, Waste Management and Street Cleaning (EB77)
Department of Economics and Finance (II)
- City Comptroller's Office (20)
- Real Estate Office (23)
- Economic Development and Labor (WA)
- Investment Management (BTM)
Department of Law, Personnel and Digitization (III)
- Personnel and Organization Office (11)
- Office for Digitization and Information Technology (17)
- Legal Office (30)
- Citizens' Office (33)
- Registry Office (34)
Department of Culture, Education and Leisure (IV)
- School Administration Office (40)
- Marie-Therese-Gymnasium (40M)
- Technical college for technicians (40T)
- Business school in Röthelheimpark (40W)
- Office for district work (41)
- City library (42)
- Adult education center (43)
- Theater (44)
- City Archive (45)
- City Museum (46)
- Cultural Office (47)
Department for Youth, Family and Social Affairs (V)
Planning and Building Department (VI)
- Office for Facility Management (24)
- Office for Urban Planning and Mobility (61)
- Building Inspectorate (63)
- Civil Engineering Office (66)
Department for the Environment and Climate Protection (VII) - Office for Environmental Protection and Energy Issues (31)
- Office for Veterinary Services and Food Monitoring (39)
- Drainage company (EBE)
Do you need help?
The telephone switchboard has the number 09131 860
Download business distribution plan
pdf, 133 KB
Organizational chart of the city of Erlangen
pdf, 133 KB