Civil engineering office

Head of office: Andreas Pfeil

The Civil Engineering Department of the City of Erlangen is responsible for the planning, construction, operation, maintenance and management of publicly dedicated traffic areas with the associated structures, other traffic facilities and traffic installations including lighting, traffic lights and other traffic infrastructure.


Schuhstraße 40
91052 Erlangen


On-site appointments are only possible by individual arrangement. Get in touch with us by phone, email or contact form.

Telephone availability:

Monday to Thursday: 09:30 - 15:00

Friday: 09:30 - 12:00

Es wurden 9 Serviceleistungen gefunden

Service, Cable TV, Public sewer system, public road network, Telephone network, Water supply network, gas supply network, electricity supply network

Building area; information on development

Development is the responsibility of the municipality unless it is the responsibility of another party in accordance with other statutory provisions or obligations under public law.

Service, Contribution notice, development, Development costs, Infrastructure costs, Sewer costs, Road contribution, Road costs, Water supply costs

Development charges; collection

Contracts and development charge notices may result in payment obligations for property owners.


Landscape conservation plan in road planning; information on the guidelines for preparation

Guidelines and sample maps have been published for the preparation of landscape conservation plans in road construction planning.

Municipal roads; information on road construction

The municipalities are responsible for road construction on municipal roads within the municipal area.
Service, Expansion costs, Repair, Development contribution, Financing, Local roads, Road contribution, Road costs, Road repair costs, Improvement, Subsidy, Grants

Road improvement contributions; collection

Since 01.01.2018, contributions to finance the improvement or renewal of local roads, limited public roads, local thoroughfares and street lighting have no longer been levied in Bavaria.


Road maintenance service; implementation

The road wardens of the municipalities, districts, highway and road maintenance depots make a very important contribution to road safety and the functionality of the road network.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Street lighting; reporting of defective street lamps

To maintain public safety and order in urban areas, municipalities must illuminate public roads to the best of their ability (...) if this is urgently required and others are not obliged to do so under other legal provisions.

Water supply; application for a property connection

The property connection (water) is used to connect your property to the public water supply system.

Water supply; application for exemption or partial exemption from the obligation to connect and use water

The property connection is used to connect your property to the public water supply system.