Street lighting; reporting of defective street lamps
To maintain public safety and order in urban areas, municipalities must illuminate public roads to the best of their ability (...) if this is urgently required and others are not obliged to do so under other legal provisions.
Stand: 28.02.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
Online procedure
Street lighting; report defective lantern
You can use this online application to report defective streetlights.
Citizen-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
As lighting obligations of others only exist in individual cases, street lighting is generally provided by the municipalities. In this case, the municipal obligation exists for all public roads located within the built-up area, including the through roads of the federal highways.
The lighting in the traffic area should enable road users, especially pedestrians, to easily and promptly recognize the course and boundaries of roads, paths, squares and access points, as well as danger spots and obstacles.However, it is not possible to establish a general rule for the extent and duration of street lighting. The extent of the lighting obligation depends on local requirements and other local conditions, in particular the importance of the respective road for traffic, but also on the size of the municipality and its financial capacity. The location of the respective road in the municipal area also plays a role. Against this background, it may also be possible in individual cases to switch off street lighting by the hour at night. Municipalities must then mark streetlights within built-up areas that are not lit all night with a red ring.
The local authorities would be grateful for any reports of defective street lights.
Art. 51 Bavarian Roads and Paths Act (BayStrWG)
Civil engineering office
Head of office: Andreas Pfeil
The Civil Engineering Department of the City of Erlangen is responsible for the planning, construction, operation, maintenance and management of publicly dedicated traffic areas with the associated structures, other traffic facilities and traffic installations including lighting, traffic lights and other traffic infrastructure.Anschrift
Appointments on site are only possible by appointment. Please contact us by phone, e-mail or fax.