Legal office

Head of office: Ms. Juliane Kreller

Important information from the legal department

Personnel form for legal trainees and law students

Es wurden 9 Serviceleistungen gefunden

Service, Online service

Aldermen; application for inclusion in the list of nominees

Aldermen are used in the criminal justice system at the local and regional courts. The municipalities and youth welfare offices draw up lists of candidates every five years. Citizens can apply to their municipality or the youth welfare office responsible for their place of residence.

Atonement attempt; application

You can apply to the municipality for an attempt at atonement.


Insurance; concluded by the municipality

Municipalities and districts can take out insurance against various risks.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Legal clerkship training

Legal trainees; training with the public administration

This involves four months of training at a district office, in certain cases at a municipality, a government, a district or a state office within the remit of the Ministry of the Interior.
Service, Municipal regulations, Municipal law, Municipal legislation, Municipal law, Local law, Legislation, Urban design, municipal law, City law

Local law; enactment of statutes and ordinances

Municipalities can issue bylaws and ordinances. Both of these are regulations that have binding force vis-à-vis everyone and specify certain legal consequences for an indefinite number of cases, in particular establishing rights and obligations.

Service, Household, Municipal corporate law, Municipal commercial law, Municipalities as entrepreneurs, Consumption, Public, entrepreneurial

Municipal enterprises; operations

Municipalities, counties and districts may operate companies outside of their general administration as their own companies, independent municipal companies under public law or in the legal forms of private law.

Notice of fine for administrative offense; objection

Fines imposed in administrative offense proceedings can be contested by lodging an objection.


Property; information on expropriation

Expropriation is the partial or complete seizure of ownership, usually of land or rights, by means of a sovereign legal act to fulfill certain sovereign tasks.

Registry office supervision; conducting supervisory audits

Supervision of the registry offices is carried out as lower supervisory authorities by the independent municipalities for their registry offices and the district offices as state authorities.