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Important information from the legal department

Stand: 28.05.2024

The core tasks of the Legal Department are

  • advising the municipal departments on all legal issues
  • processing administrative offenses
  • processing cases of damage
  • conducting expropriation and possession proceedings

The lawyers of the Legal Department work exclusively for the departments and municipal enterprises of the City of Erlangen and for some special-purpose associations in which the city is involved. Legal information may not be provided to private individuals, associations or companies due to legal requirements.

The Legal Department upholds the rights of the city in court proceedings and represents it, insofar as there is no obligation to hire a lawyer.

The Central Procurement Office is also part of the Legal Department

The procedures for awarding public contracts and concessions at the City of Erlangen are generally not carried out decentrally by the departments, but rather centrally in the Legal Department.

The Legal Department is also responsible for the training of legal trainees for the administrative station and for the supervision of law students as part of their practical studies.

Legal office

Head of office: Ms. Juliane Kreller

Important information from the legal department

Personnel form for legal trainees and law students


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


Appointments on site are only possible by telephone appointment.

Telephone availability:

Monday to Thursday: 08:30 - 15:30

Friday: 08:30 - 12:00