Legal trainees; training with the public administration
This involves four months of training at a district office, in certain cases at a municipality, a government, a district or a state office within the remit of the Ministry of the Interior.
Stand: 03.07.2024. Link zum BayernPortal
Online procedure
Personnel form for legal trainees
With this online application you can submit your personal and application data to the Legal Department of the City of Erlangen.
Citizen-friendly and digital: Simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
Personal data sheet for law students for an internship according to § 25 JAPO
You can use this online application to apply for a personnel form for law students for an internship in accordance with Section 25 JAPO.
User-friendly and digital: Simply fill out this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
In public administration, trainee lawyers are trained for a period of four months at a district office, a municipality that employs at least one civil servant with the qualification to hold judicial office, a government, a district or a state office of the State Ministry of the Interior, Sport and Integration.
There is also the option of completing practical training in public administration for a period of up to two months at an administrative court, a social court or a tax court. In addition, students can gain an insight into the practical work of an administrative authority or an administrative court as part of the three-month compulsory elective internship. The Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, for Sport and Integration also offers a few places for the compulsory elective internship in occupational field 2 - Administration. It is also possible to complete a supplementary course in administrative science at the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer during the first two months of the administrative traineeship (including the last month of the judicial traineeship) and alternatively during the legal traineeship, with credit towards the preparatory service.
The aim of the training in public law is to familiarize trainee lawyers with the tasks and working methods of the administration and public law legal advisory practice as well as administrative court legal protection.
The station is intended to enable them to see normative regulations and administrative provisions in their social, economic, political and European law contexts and to awaken an understanding of planning and formative administrative action.
As a rule, legal trainees are assigned to various departments or subject areas of the respective authorities or to chambers at the administrative courts during their training period. The training is supervised by legal civil servants who are qualified to hold judicial office or judges at the administrative court.
The prerequisite for a practical training placement at a district office, a municipality that employs at least one civil servant qualified to hold judicial office, a government or a district is assignment by the respective responsible government.
The governments manage the overall training of trainee lawyers in their district for the duration of the administrative station and the compulsory elective internship in the professional fields 2 (administration), 4 (economics), 5 (labor and social law) and 7 (tax law).
Additional requirements for an assignment to the administrative court are a corresponding application to the responsible government and no conflicting interests of the training.
Legal office
Head of office: Ms. Juliane Kreller
Important information from the legal department
- City law (statutes and ordinances of the city of Erlangen)
- Procurement office (municipal tenders, awards & competitions)
- Legal trainees (training in public administration)
- Aldermen (application for inclusion in the list of nominees)
Appointments on site are only possible by telephone appointment.
Telephone availability:
Monday to Thursday: 08:30 - 15:30
Friday: 08:30 - 12:00