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Services for people

Whether young people, families or senior citizens, here you will find municipal services for all walks of life.

Latest news

Many people at the celebration

Mayor welcomes newly naturalized citizens

The number of naturalizations has risen significantly. This local development is also reflected in the nationwide trend.

Consulting services, Contact points for single parents, Support for single parents, Help and advice for single parents, Contact points, Support services, Support, Single-parent families, Single-parent families, Single parents, Counseling centers, Open meeting, Initial consultation, Separation, Regulars' table for single parents, Childcare, Edge time support, Exchange meetings, Aids, Crisis situations Single parents, Single parents

Advice and help for single parents

Single parents and single-parent families often find themselves in particularly stressful situations. In Erlangen, there are special contact points and needs-based advice and support services for single parents. You can find an overview here.

A seated child holds a book in his hand, two teddy bears sit in front of him.

Summer vacation reading club at the city library

Read new books and immerse yourself in stories, listen to great audio books and take part in exciting activities.

Children point their thumbs up
Childcare, Children, Parents, Infant, Daycare center, Kindergartens, Kindergarten, supervise

Free daycare places

Here you will find the facilities that currently offer free childcare places. We currently have vacancies in crèches from June and from September 2024.

Children playing outside

Children's summer holiday program

The school doors will be closed from July 29 to September 9. The city of Erlangen has various vacation offers available.