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Service and help - Death

A death in the family or among relatives causes great suffering for the bereaved and also raises numerous unanswered questions: coping with grief, legal aspects of burial and inheritance and financial assistance for the bereaved. In order to accompany and support you through this time in the best possible way, we provide you with a wide range of services, advice and information.

Frequently searched for

Service, die, Notification of a death, show, inform, Registry office, Death book, Death, dead, Certificate, die, Deceased

Death; notification

The death of a person must be reported to the registry office in whose jurisdiction they died. Funeral homes, hospitals, retirement and nursing homes and other institutions are obliged to notify the registry office.

Service, Social burial

Social assistance; application for the assumption of funeral costs

The necessary costs of a funeral will be covered by the Social Welfare Office on application if the person obliged to do so cannot reasonably be expected to bear the costs.

Service A-Z


Burial law; official supervision

The municipalities and district offices must ensure that the provisions of Bavarian burial law are complied with. They can issue the necessary orders in individual cases.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Funeral, Burial, Death

Burial; registration

Municipalities can stipulate in their cemetery statutes that a burial in their cemetery must be registered.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Cemetery and burial fees; payment

The municipalities charge fees for the use of their burial facilities on the basis of cemetery fee statutes.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Jewish cemetery

Cemetery, mortuary; adoption of rules of use

The municipalities must provide the necessary burial facilities, in particular cemeteries and mortuaries. This does not apply if there is no public need for them. This is particularly the case if a church cemetery sufficiently covers the need.
Service, Burial, Burial, Cemetery, Death

Coroner's report and burial; application for permission for burial outside a cemetery

As a rule, the bodies and ashes of deceased persons must be buried in cemeteries. Permission for burial outside a cemetery may be requested in exceptional cases.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Notarization of a death abroad, Deceased abroad, Subsequent certification of death, Deaths abroad

Death abroad; application for subsequent certification in the German death register

A death abroad can be subsequently certified in the German death register.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Burial, Settlement of estates, Registry office, Death, Death register, Death certificate, Death

Death certificate; application

In the event of death, relatives of a deceased person can apply for a death certificate.

Service, Mortuary passport, Coroner's inquest, Autopsy certificate, Death, Death certificate

Death certificate; forwarding

The death certificate is issued by the doctor who diagnoses the death and carries out the post-mortem examination. It serves as the basis for registering the death and must be submitted to the registry office.

Service, die, Notification of a death, show, inform, Registry office, Death book, Death, dead, Certificate, die, Deceased

Death; notification

The death of a person must be reported to the registry office in whose jurisdiction they died. Funeral homes, hospitals, retirement and nursing homes and other institutions are obliged to notify the registry office.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Grave letter, Grave purchase, Grave rights, Grave certificate

Funeral facilities; construction and maintenance

The municipalities are obliged to establish and maintain the necessary burial facilities, in particular cemeteries and mortuaries.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Application for transfer of the right to use a burial space, Application for transfer of the right of use of a gravesite, Application for extension of the right of use of a gravesite, Right to use a grave, Gravesites, Grave site

Grave space; application for a right of use

When allocating a grave site in a municipal cemetery, the municipality grants the citizen a temporary right of use subject to a fee.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Cemetery

Gravestone; application for a permit

Municipalities can stipulate an approval requirement for gravestones in their cemetery statutes.

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