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Coroner's report and burial; application for permission for burial outside a cemetery

As a rule, the bodies and ashes of deceased persons must be buried in cemeteries. Permission for burial outside a cemetery may be requested in exceptional cases.

Stand: 12.04.2024. Link zum BayernPortal


Editorially responsible: Bavarian State Ministry of Health, Care and Prevention (see BayernPortal)

Dept. of deaths

The registry office of the city of Erlangen, death certification department is not staffed on Thursday, 28.11.2024. Documents can be handed in at the cemetery administration in the central cemetery, ground floor, room 1, Michael-Vogel-Straße 4, 91052 Erlangen.

From Friday, 29.11.2024 we will be there for you again during the usual opening hours.

Thank you very much!


Michael-Vogel-Straße 4
91052 Erlangen


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