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Free daycare places

Stand: 02.07.2024

Here you will find the facilities that currently offer free childcare places. We currently have vacancies in crèches from June and from September 2024. The pre-kindergarten group Tue Wed Thu Xy offers free places for children from 2 years from September 2024. If you are interested, please contact Dimidoxy@gmx.de.

Registration for this must be made by submitting a childcare request via the Kitafinder portal.

Places currently available:


Crèche Am Weichselgarten - Sunshine

The AWO Sonnenschein crèche consists of two groups with twelve places each and two groups with eleven places each.


KiTa Ludwig-Erhard-Straße - Little Star

The AWO Kinderhaus "Kleiner Stern" has seven crèche groups with extended morning and full-day places and one kindergarten group.


Nativity scene Am Europakanal - Anny Frank

The AWO-Kindernest consists of four groups, each with twelve places and two emergency group places.


Johann-Kalb-Straße crèche - Little speedsters

The two-group day nursery is located in the Röthelheimpark residential area.

Department of child day care in regular facilities and child day care

Please send inquiries about daycare places to: kitaplatz@stadt.erlangen.de or + (49) 09131 / 86 -1958


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


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