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Service for people with disabilities & accessibility

Disability and inclusion is an issue that affects many people. People with disabilities have special needs and requirements in order to be able to participate in our urban society. We offer a wide range of services, advice and information on the topics of disability, participation and accessibility.

Frequently searched for

Service, care service

Care; advice for people in need of care and their relatives and dependents

Among other things, district offices, independent cities and districts offer free advice for people in need of care and their relatives.

Service, Adaptation of living space for the disabled, Handicapped accessible equipment, Homes for severely disabled people, Ramp for wheelchair users, Housing subsidy, Housing promotion, Housing promotion

Owner-occupied housing for people with disabilities; application for funding for adaptation

The Free State of Bavaria promotes the adaptation of owner-occupied housing (own house or owner-occupied apartment) for people with disabilities.

Service A-Z

Service, People at risk of addiction, Addiction treatment, Health, Drugs and addiction, Drug and addiction counseling, Consulting, Drug counseling, Advice center, Drugs, Narcotics, BtM, Addict, Dependence, Abuse, Alcohol, Illegal drugs, Substances, Cannabis, Legal highs, Amphetamine, Meth, Crystal, Cocaine, Coke, Ecstasy, Extasy, MDMA, Heroin, Opiates, Medication, Gambling, PC, Internet, Eating disorders, HaLT, Therapy, Detoxification, Withdrawal, Rehab, Aftercare, Mediation, Substitution, Age and addiction, Relatives, External addiction counseling, Illegal, Criminal offense, Addicted parents, Families affected by addiction, Liver cirrhosis, COPD, Common cold, Drink, Smoking, Syringes, Weed, MPU

Addiction counseling for existing or impending addiction problems; utilization

People at risk of addiction or suffering from addiction and their relatives can obtain information on the subject of addiction as well as advice, support and help from psychosocial addiction counseling centers, the public health department and general practitioners and specialists.
Service, sports promotion

Associations and charitable organizations; application for a grant

Municipalities can provide financial support to associations and charitable organizations that are particularly involved in sporting, cultural and social life in the municipality as part of their duties.


Asylum seekers; applying for sickness benefits

Asylum seekers receive benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG) in the event of illness if they meet the requirements.


Care and support for the child in emergency situations; applying for support

There are situations in which a parent who is primarily responsible for the child's care is absent for health or other compelling reasons (e.g. childbirth, rehabilitation measures, imprisonment).

Care court assistance; support for the courts

The guardianship authorities in the district offices and independent cities are involved in proceedings in which the local court has to decide on the appointment of a guardian as a legal representative.

Service, care service

Care; advice for people in need of care and their relatives and dependents

Among other things, district offices, independent cities and districts offer free advice for people in need of care and their relatives.

Service, Outpatient care services, Municipal survey, Municipal care planning, Determination of care requirements, Senior citizen survey, Senior citizens' assistance planning, Overall concept for senior citizens, Inpatient long-term care facilities, outpatient assisted living communities, Day care

Determination of care requirements; transmission of data

Surveys are carried out to determine the need for fully inpatient, semi-inpatient and outpatient care facilities. The existing care facilities are determined and future requirements are calculated.


Educational counseling centers; application for funding

The Free State of Bavaria supports around 180 educational counseling centers nationwide (including branch offices and external consultation hours).

Health reporting; monitoring and evaluation of health conditions

The State Office for Health and Food Safety, the governments and the district administrative authorities monitor and report on the health conditions of people.

Hospital care; safeguarding

The rural districts and independent cities must guarantee hospital care for their citizens.


Income-oriented funding (EOF)

The income-oriented subsidy (= EOF) is an additional subsidy that is granted to tenants of an EOF-subsidized apartment upon application.

Independent youth welfare organization; application for recognition

Legal persons and associations of persons in the field of youth welfare can have themselves recognized as independent youth welfare organizations in order to be able to participate in youth welfare committees or working groups according to § 78 SGB VIII in the future.

News for people with disabilities

Social counseling

Advice and help, self-help

Contacts and contact persons.

Group photo 49 women's and equal opportunities officers.

Bavarian equal opportunities commissioners meet in Erlangen

In view of current developments, the joint exchange is once again of central importance.

BCA, Labor market, Equality, Women, Men, Gender, Family and career

Jobcenter: Equal opportunities in the labor market

Equality of women and men in the labor market / Advancement of women / Reconciliation of family and career for both genders / Returning to work

Three people, some in wheelchairs, working together at a desk
Education, Educational offer, Teenagers, Parents, School, Vocational preparation, Promotion, Learning support, Education, Career choice, Consulting

MAP! Opportunities - Work - Perspectives

Support for people with disabilities

Helping to shape Erlangen

Stage at the Theater Stadt Erlangen.
Page, events, Leisure time, Dates, Calendar of events

Calendar of events

Don't know what you want to do this evening or at the weekend? Whether exhibitions, festivals, offers for families, markets, sports and much more - Erlangen offers many possibilities for leisure activities. Let our calendar of events inspire you!

Shape Erlangen

Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium: Renovation and new construction of the gymnasium

Extensive renovation and new construction work is being carried out in the gymnasium area of the Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium. Among other things, a double sports hall suitable for handball is being built.
Shape Erlangen

Dechsendorfer Weiher recreation area concept

The development potential for leisure and recreational use should be identified. Areas should be identified that are suitable for a fitness trail, children's playground and tree planting.
Shape Erlangen

Health RegionPlus Erlangen-Höchstadt and Erlangen

Implementation of the "Joint Health Strategy" of the city and district as part of the "GesundheitsregionPlus Erlangen-Höchstadt und Erlangen" project.