Parents with a disabled child.

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People with disabilities


Erlangen is a city for everyone and has always been "open by tradition". Inclusion and accessibility are therefore very important, as this is the only way for people with disabilities to participate in everyday life in our city.

On the topic page of the online guide for people with disabilities, you will find interesting and useful information on the subject of inclusion and participation in Erlangen.

The topic page "Erlangen Barrier-free" shows important information about accessibility in Erlangen.

Woman sits in a wheelchair.
Topic page

Barrier-free Erlangen

Inclusion only works if people with disabilities are able to participate in everyday life in our city. Accessibility is a prerequisite for this. Here you can find out what is accessible in Erlangen and how you can achieve accessibility.

Family with mother, child and father.
Page, Signpost, Disability, disabled, Inclusion, Accessibility

Guide for people with disabilities

The Erlangen advice guide for people with disabilities is intended to be an information aid for people in Erlangen, their relatives, carers or assistants. It also serves as a reference work in advisory situations for all helpers, authorities and welfare organizations.

Information & support

Latest news

Group picture with four people.

Aid fund for associations, organizations and initiatives

The City of Erlangen and the Erlangen Community Foundation are jointly setting up a relief fund for associations and initiatives. The aim is to mitigate the consequences of the necessary cuts to voluntary services and to support the wide range of voluntary work in Erlangen.

Election of youth jury members, Election of juvenile lay judges Erlangen, Election of juvenile lay judges Erlangen 2023, Aldermen for juveniles, Juvenile juror, Alderman, Becoming a youth welfare officer, Become a youth welfare officer, Application for youth welfare officer, Selection of juvenile jurors, Juvenile jury election procedure, juveniles, youth officers wanted, youth officer election, youth leaders

Juvenile jurors

The application deadline for the current five-year term of office (01.01.2024 - 31.12.2028) has expired. You can only apply again in 2028 for the next term of office.

Application form
Financial support, Entry qualification, Travel costs, Application costs, Vocational training allowance, Scholarships

Financial support for training

At the Erlangen Youth Employment Agency, we can advise you on financial support options.

Mother with crying baby
Writing baby, Writing baby advice, Baby cries a lot, Advice and support, Crying outpatient clinic

Advice and support if your baby cries a lot

Here you will find a list of regional advice centers for parents of cry babies.

Consulting services, Contact points for single parents, Support for single parents, Help and advice for single parents, Contact points, Support services, Support, Single-parent families, Single-parent families, Single parents, Counseling centers, Open meeting, Initial consultation, Separation, Regulars' table for single parents, Childcare, Edge time support, Exchange meetings, Aids, Crisis situations Single parents, Single parents

Advice and help for single parents

Single parents and single-parent families often find themselves in particularly stressful situations. In Erlangen, there are special contact points as well as advice and support services tailored to the needs of single parents. You can find an overview here.

Help shape Erlangen!

Shape Erlangen

Neubau des Familienzentrums Röthelheim 11acht

Im Stadtteil Röthelheim in der Hartmannstraße 118 entsteht ein neues städtisches Familienzentrum mit Spielstube, Lernstube, Krippe, Kindergarten, Familienpädagogischer Einrichtung, Offener Jugendsozialarbeit und einem Familienstützpunkt.
Shape Erlangen

Programm "Zukunft Grundschulen und Ganztagsbetreuung"

Ab dem Schuljahr 2026/2027 tritt der Rechtsanspruch für Grundschulkinder, zunächst für die 1. Jahrgangsstufe, in Kraft. Dieser wird in den Folgejahren sukzessiv für die weiteren Jahrgangsstufen ausgebaut. Durch den Rechtsanspruch soll ein ganztägiges Bildungs- und Betreuungsangebot für Schulkinder garantiert werden. Hieraus ergibt sich für die Stadt Erlangen die Verpflichtung, Überlegungen zur Sicherstellung des Rechtsanspruchs durch Jugendhilfe und Schule anzustellen, geeignete Maßnahmen zu ergreifen und insbesondere die Grundschulen hierfür "baulich fit“ zu machen.
Shape Erlangen

Sanierung Spielplatz Habichtstraße

Der Spielplatz an der Habichtstraße in Alterlangen soll grundlegend saniert und umgestaltet werden. Neue Spielgeräte und eine landschaftsgärtnerische Neugestaltung sollen ihn zu einem attraktiven Spiel- und Aufenthaltsort für Kinder und Familien machen.


We are part of the Office for Equal Opportunities and Diversity. Feel free to contact us if you need advice on inclusion.


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


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Dienstag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
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Freitag: 09:30 - 12:00 Uhr

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