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Services for teenagers & young people

Here you will find lots of information on municipal services, such as registering your place of residence, driving license, certifying your school-leaving certificate, ID card and much more. Have a look.

Frequently searched for

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Application for a certificate of good conduct, Information about previous convictions, Certificate of good conduct, Document type 0, Document type N, Document type O, Document type P, Federal Central Register, criminal record certificate, Apply for a certificate of good conduct, Certificate of good conduct for official purposes, Apply for a police clearance certificate, Private management certificate, Criminal record extract, Criminal record certificate

Certificate of good conduct; application for a simple certificate of good conduct

If you need a certificate of good conduct for official or private purposes, you can apply for one at your local authority or electronically via the online portal of the Federal Office of Justice.
Service, Accompanied driving, BF17, drive 17, Driving with an accompanying person, Driving license in Bavaria, Driving license at 17 Bavaria

Driving license; application for accompanied driving from 17

Young novice drivers have the opportunity to drive a category B vehicle at the age of 17 accompanied by an experienced driver's license holder if certain requirements are met.
Service, official identification document, ID card, Identity card, official identity document, temporary identity card, passport replacement, identify, Identification, ID card, PA, Passport replacement, Identity card / temporary identity card, temporary ID card, temporary identity card, Personal documents, Collect identity documents, Personal documents ready for collection

Identity card; application

Germans can apply for an identity card at their local authority.
Service, Notarize final certificate, certify officially, official certification, notarize officially, Notarize school report, Have a certificate notarized

Official certification; obtaining from the municipality or administrative community

As the authorities closest to the citizens, the municipalities and administrative communities in particular are generally authorized to officially certify copies and signatures.

Service, reported, Main residence, Main residence, report, Reporting system, Secondary residence, Secondary residences, moved, Relocation, live, Register residence, Residence registration, Change of residence, address notification, Secondary residence, Place of residence, Change of address, Change address

Residence; notification of change of main residence

If you have and live in several apartments in Germany, one apartment is your main residence and all other apartments are secondary residences. You must inform the registration office which apartments you have and which of them is your main or secondary residence.

Service, Change of address, Registration confirmation, Log in, Registration with the registration office, Registration at the registration office, Registration of new apartment, Residence registration, Bavarian Registration Act, Register with the registration office, Register booth, move in, Move-in, Register municipality, Main residence, Registration law Bavaria, Registration law Bavaria, Reporting system, new building, new domicile, Obligation to register, Re-registration, Relocation, Report move, Change residence, Register residence, Residence registration, Change your place of residence, Apartment, Register apartment, Re-register your apartment, Responsible registration authority, Immigration, Change of residence, Change of address, Change address, Place of residence

Residence; registration

If you move into an apartment, you must register with the relevant registration authority (municipality, town or administrative community) within two weeks of moving in.

Service A-Z

Service, Driver's license application

Driver's license; submission of the driver's license application to the municipality

You can also submit your driver's license application to your local authority (of residence).
Service, Driving license deadline, Driver's license, Extend your driver's license

Driving license for buses and trucks; application to extend the period of validity

Driving licenses for trucks and buses are only valid for a limited period. You must apply to the local driving license authority to extend the period of validity.


Driving license; application due to expiry of validity

The validity of the new driving licenses will be limited to 15 years. The time limit only applies to the document, not the driving license itself.

Service, Driving license exceptions

Driving license; application for exceptions concerning the driving license

Exceptions are possible in special individual cases to avoid hardship. The driving license authorities in the district administrative authorities are responsible for granting exceptions relating to the driving license.
Service, Bundeswehr driver's license, Service driver's license, Police driver's license

Driving license; application for the transfer of a service driver's license

If you hold or have held a service driver's license from the Federal Armed Forces, the Federal Police or the police, you can be issued a general driver's license for the relevant categories under simplified conditions.

Service, Novice driver, Probationary driving license, Driving license on probation, Trial period

Driving license; ordering probationary period measures

When a driver's license is acquired for the first time, it is issued on a probationary basis - with the exception of categories AM, L and T. During the probationary period, novice drivers are subject to special rules designed to counteract the high risk of accidents.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, ALG, ALG 1, Alg 2, ALG I, ALG II, Employment agency, Employment agency for work, Unemployment benefit, Unemployment benefit 2, Unemployment benefit II, Unemployment benefit, Unemployment, Basic security, Hartz, Hartz 4, Hartz IV, Job center, Benefits for education and participation without learning support, Social welfare, Social benefit, Social support, Support, Unemployment benefit II; application

Citizen's allowance; application

If you do not have enough money to cover your own living expenses, you can apply for citizen's allowance.

Service, VHS

Adult education center; payment of fees

As a rule, there is a charge for attending courses and using the facilities of the Adult Education Center.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Deviating provision of services, Aid, Citizen's income, One-off benefits, one-off requirement, Initial equipment, Birth, Household appliances, orthopaedic shoes, Pregnancy, therapeutic devices, Relocation, Apartment

Citizen's allowance; application for one-off benefits

Relocation, pregnancy, birth: if you lack the money for certain situations in your life, you can apply for one-off benefits.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, ALG II, Acquisition, Unemployment benefit II, Demand, Citizen's income, Loans, Defective household appliances, Theft, Energy debts, financial emergency, Cash benefit, Money lost, Basic income support for jobseekers, Livelihood, Destitution, Emergency situation, Standard requirement, Repayment, Benefit in kind, Social benefit, Power cut

Citizen's allowance; applying for a loan in certain acute emergency situations

If you receive citizen's allowance, you can apply for a loan from the Jobcenter in acute emergency situations if you are unable to pay an amount that is actually covered by your standard needs and you cannot defer payment.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Employer, Education, Educational support, Training seekers, Vocational training, Vocational training preparation, Vocational preparation, Operation, Vocational preparation, Company entry qualification, EQ, Promotion, Learning impairment, Learning difficulties, Personal problems, Internship, Internship allowance, psychological problems, Social problems, The company, Subsidy

Internship remuneration; applying for a subsidy from the Jobcenter

If you would like to introduce young people to vocational training in your company through a paid internship, you can apply for a subsidy towards the internship allowance.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Work, Working life, Workplace, Working life

Measures for activation and professional integration; applying for funding from the job center

If you receive basic security benefits, you can be supported by measures that make it easier for you to (re)enter the world of work.

News for young people

Pedestrians in Erlangen
Sustainability, Mobility, Road safety, Walking

Pedestrian traffic concept

A pedestrian traffic concept is being drawn up for Erlangen to make walking safer and more attractive.

Integration assistance, Rehabilitation, young people, Independent advice, Disability, impending disability, Support, Legal options

What do process controllers do?

Procedural guides advise young people who are affected or threatened by a disability on their legal options and support them in claiming appropriate benefits.

young people sitting in a computer room
Applications, Job interview, Application photos, Job application coaching, Curriculum vitae, Cover letter

Help with applications

There is an application center at the Erlangen Youth Employment Agency.

Application form
Financial support, Entry qualification, Travel costs, Application costs, Vocational training allowance, Scholarships

Financial support

At the Erlangen Youth Employment Agency, we can advise you on financial support options.

Helping to shape Erlangen

Shape Erlangen

Creating a place of remembrance for the victims of euthanasia

Together with various project partners, a place of remembrance and future is to be established on the site of the former Erlangen sanatorium and nursing home (HuPfla).
Shape Erlangen

District House West (Büchenbach)

The construction of a new district center with a district library in the Büchenbach-West district will create a socio-cultural center and an innovative, versatile, open and creative meeting place in the west of the city.
Shape Erlangen

Sanierung Spielplatz Habichtstraße

Der Spielplatz an der Habichtstraße in Alterlangen soll grundlegend saniert und umgestaltet werden. Neue Spielgeräte und eine landschaftsgärtnerische Neugestaltung sollen ihn zu einem attraktiven Spiel- und Aufenthaltsort für Kinder und Familien machen.
Shape Erlangen

Sanierung und Ausbau des Stadtmuseums

Das Stadtmuseum im Herzen der Altstadt präsentiert die Geschichte der Erlanger Region von der Frühzeit bis zur modernen Universitätsstadt. Der Stadtrat hat beschlossen, nach der KuBiC-Fertigstellung als nächstes schwerpunktmäßig den Ausbau des Stadtmuseums anzugehen.