Young people sit together in conversation.

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Teenagers & young people

Whether you're looking for leisure venues, youth clubs, support and advice services: on this page you'll find a wide range of information and topics and lots of interesting facts about what Erlangen has to offer for teenagers and young people."

We support you

Person with tattoos
Volunteering, the companions, Godfather, Educational sponsorship, Educational sponsor, Children and young people, Education, School

the companions. The educational mentoring program

Volunteer educational mentors support pupils from Erlangen. They support and accompany children and young people in school challenges and in their development.

Integration assistance, Rehabilitation, young people, Independent advice, Disability, impending disability, Support, Legal options

What do process controllers do?

Procedural guides advise young people who are affected or threatened by a disability on their legal options and support them in claiming appropriate benefits.

Sneakers on asphalt with arrows

Youth Employment Agency JUBA-ER

At the Youth Employment Agency (JUBA), teenagers and young adults receive comprehensive support to help them gain a foothold in the job market or university and cope well with the numerous requirements.

Telephone numbers for support in crises

Leisure locations


Adventure playground Angerinitiative e.V.

The pedagogically supervised adventure playground is open to children and young people between the ages of 6 and 14. Here they can build huts, make fires, meet friends, do handicrafts and realize their own ideas.

View of the Taubenschlag adventure playground from above

Adventure playground Taubenschlag

At the Taubenschlag adventure playground in Büchenbach, children of school age and older have lots of opportunities to try out their manual, practical and motor skills.

Leisure facility, Streetball, Queen's swing, Fireplace

Am Dummetsweiher leisure center - Holzweg-Nord

Leisure area with streetball baskets and queen's swing; use of the fire pit by appointment only until 22:00. No parking facilities.

Playground equipment

Bamberg Street playground

Playground with table tennis table and skate equipment


Bayernstraße recreational sports facility - Neumühlsteg

A play area with swings and a football pitch. The use of the fireplace and for barbecues is only permitted after registration and approval until 23:00 at the latest.


Brucker Lache adventure playground

At the Brucker Lache adventure playground in Bruck, children and young people aged 6 to 16 can be active, build and experiment for themselves.


Donato-Polli-Strasse skate park

Skate park next to the West Youth Center


Donato-Polli-Straße playground and football pitch

Playground with table tennis table, turntable and adjacent basketball court

Climbing combination with large slide
Leisure facility, Playground, Toboggan hill, Ball field, Double cable car

Dresselweg playground

Leisure facility with playground, toboggan hill, ball field and exercise and balancing area. The playground is equipped with a climbing/sliding combination for schoolchildren, a double ropeway, trampoline, queen's swing, toddler swing and a sand play combination for pre-school children.

Climbing combination

Goldwitzerstraße playground and football pitch

Football pitch and playground with double swing, toddler swing, climbing combination and play combination for toddlers.

Table tennis table

Habichtstraße leisure center - Main-Danube Canal - Rowing club

Meadow east of the Main-Danube Canal with table tennis table


Heckenweg football pitch

School sports field; public use for children up to 14 years: Monday - Friday 15:30 - 17:30 (not in rain and snow)

Soccer pitch with soccer goal
Football pitch, Soccer pitch

Kernbergstraße football pitch

On the south-eastern edge of Büchenbach, somewhat hidden football pitch

Field hockey field

Mönaustraße leisure sports facility

Recreational sports facility with inline field hockey, streetball and football pitch, climbing rock, table tennis tables, boules pitch and covered seating area.

Climbing combination
Mud facility, Climbing frame, Streetball court, Playgrounds

Playground Am Färberhof

The playground is equipped with a mud pit, climbing frame, streetball court, playing fields, ...

Photo of the recreational sports facility

Recreational sports facility Michael-Vogel-Straße South

Leisure facility with a football pitch, streetball court and two table tennis tables. The Angerinitiative adventure playground and roller skating rink are located in the immediate vicinity.

Skate park

Skatepark Michael-Vogel-Straße - North

The largely covered public skate park under the Werner-von-Siemensstraße elevated bridge is open with floodlights from Monday to Sunday from dusk until 22:00.

Youth centers, youth clubs & youth centers


Anger 32 Open youth social work (OJSA)

You are welcome to come to the Anger 32 open youth social work center alone or with a group. You can play table tennis, table football, billiards or Playstation. We are happy to help with questions about school, work or personal matters.


GOWI 27 - Open youth social work Büchenbach South

Offene Jugendsozialarbeit Büchenbach Süd is a service for young people aged between 10 and 27 from the south of Büchenbach.

Hit parties, Carnival parties, Solstice bonfire, Berchparty, Oldies party

JC Arche Noah e.V.

The JC Arche Noah e.V. is located in the former Frauenaurach school building. It hosts pop parties, carnival parties and much more. The youth club cannot be rented. Curious? - It's worth taking a look.

Music Punk Rock, Ska, Alternative, Apres-Ski, ...

JC Dezibel e.V.

After announcement Current events at

Regular breakdance training for beginners and advanced dancers, Discover events & dance battles

JC Easthouse e.V.

Regular breakdance training for beginners and advanced dancers Discover events & dance battles

Music: Hip hop, R' n B, charts.

JC Juice Club e.V.

Hip hop, R' n B, charts. Opening after advance notice.

Music: Depending on the audience.

JC Kosbacher Stadl e.V.

Music, depending on the audience. Opening hours by appointment only.

Music Metal

JC New Force e.V.

Music: metal

spacious, cozy and manageable rooms, Bar, disco and walk-through area with counter and bar tables

JC Octopus e.V.

Centrally located in Dechsendorf, the youth club is one of the oldest and most spacious in Erlangen. In our cozy and manageable rooms (bar, disco and passage area with bar and bar tables), which are separated from each other, there is the opportunity to meet, dance and entertain.

Mixed depending on the event. Current information on the homepage, on every free day for 50 up to 400 people. Just chat to one of us and make an appointment.

JC Omega e.V.

Mixed depending on the event. Current information on the homepage


JC Orange e.V.

Music: Crossover, rock classics and party music. Opening hours: After advance notice via flyer or homepage This youth club can be rented.

Open when light is on, Music: mixed

JC Penthouse

Music: mixed, open when light is on


JC Rock Up e.V.

Music: rock, pop, oldies and as desired. This youth club can be rented

Music: Rockabilly, Ska, Punk, Rock'n'Roll., The club cannot be rented.

JC Scheune e.V.

Music: Rockabilly, Ska, Punk, Rock'n'Roll.


JC Terra Nova e.V.

Mainly charts and party music. This youth club cannot be rented.

Open youth social work, Youth social work, Youth social work Bruck, Open youth social work in Bruck

JUGENDhaus Black Box Bruck

If you're between 10 and 27 years old and looking for a good place to hang out, then the BlackBox is the place for you. Come and have a look! We look forward to seeing you!


Open youth social work Bruck @ONE

Our services are aimed at young people between the ages of 12 and 27 from the Bruck district. We focus on the needs and interests of young people and provide support in all life situations.


Youth Center West Büchenbach

The services offered by Jugendhaus West Büchenbach are aimed at all young people from the district and are geared towards their needs and interests.

Helping to shape Erlangen

Shape Erlangen

Campus Berufliche Bildung Erlangen (CBBE): Neubau Werkstättentrakt und Sanierung des GewerblichenTrakts

Baumaßnahmen am Campus Berufliche Bildung Erlangen (CBBE) sichern einen zukunftsorientierten Unterrichtsort für die gewerblichen Ausbildungsberufe der Berufsschule Erlangen. Hier entsteht ein neuer Werkstättentrakt und eine Mensa für alle Schulen am Campus Berufliche Bildung Erlangen (CBBE). Der Klassen- und Verwaltungstrakt wird saniert.
Shape Erlangen

Climate awakening

Erlangen wants to achieve climate neutrality across the entire city as soon as possible. A unique project has been launched to achieve this. With the "Climate Awakening Roadmap", an entire city has been setting out since fall 2022 to make its contribution to curbing global warming.
Shape Erlangen

Creating a place of remembrance for the victims of euthanasia

Together with various project partners, a place of remembrance and future is to be established on the site of the former Erlangen sanatorium and nursing home (HuPfla).
Shape Erlangen

District House West (Büchenbach)

The construction of a new district center with a district library in the Büchenbach-West district will create a socio-cultural center and an innovative, versatile, open and creative meeting place in the west of the city.
Shape Erlangen

Friedrich-Rückert-Grundschule: Anbau für Ganztagsbetreuung

Auf Grund der steigenden Schüler*innenzahlen und zur Sicherstellung des Rechtsanspruchs auf Ganztagsbetreuung wird die Friedrich-Rückert-Grundschule durch einen Neubau erweitert.