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Vocational integration class (BIK)
Stand: 28.05.2024
Offer for young migrants with compulsory vocational schooling
The vocational integration class (BIK) is a program for young migrants who are required to attend vocational school. It is for anyone between the ages of 16 and 21 who has little knowledge of German. The BIK builds on the preliminary class (BIK-V). In BIK, they improve their German and are prepared for working life. For example, they do internships and receive job application training. The young people are supported and accompanied by a contact person.
Contact details and further information
Erlangen Job Center
Martin Maisch
Alfred-Wegener-Straße 11
91052 Erlangen
Erlangen State Vocational School
Drausnickstraße 1d
91052 Erlangen