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Service portal - Work & Career

Working & living in Erlangen. Here you will find everything you need to know - from official certifications to career choices and business advertisements.

Frequently searched for

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Attachment of name and company, Business registration, Vending machine installation, open your own store, Open your own store, open your own business, open your own store, Open a retail store, open a retail store, Found a company, Company foundation, Doing business, Business opening, Business deregistration online, Business registration online, Trade advertisement, Show business online, Business advertisement online, Commercial enterprise, Business deregistration, Open snack bar, register snack bar, Register a business online, online business advertisement, Open an online store, open an online store, Open an online store, open an online store, Travel trade, Become self-employed, start your own business, trade application, Business notification, business registration, registration, business re-registration, business deregistration, business requiring a permit, business requiring monitoring, itinerant trade, real estate agent, application by EU citizens, application by non-EU citizens, restaurant permit, auction, duplicate

Business notification; business registration

If you want to start a permanent business, you must notify the authorities. You must also report the start of operation of a branch office or dependent branch, as well as the relocation of the business.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Application for a certificate of good conduct, Information about previous convictions, Certificate of good conduct, Document type 0, Document type N, Document type O, Document type P, Federal Central Register, criminal record certificate, Apply for a certificate of good conduct, Certificate of good conduct for official purposes, Apply for a police clearance certificate, Private management certificate, Criminal record extract, Criminal record certificate

Certificate of good conduct; application for a simple certificate of good conduct

If you need a certificate of good conduct for official or private purposes, you can apply for one at your local authority or electronically via the online portal of the Federal Office of Justice.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, ALG, ALG 1, Alg 2, ALG I, ALG II, Employment agency, Employment agency for work, Unemployment benefit, Unemployment benefit 2, Unemployment benefit II, Unemployment benefit, Unemployment, Basic security, Hartz, Hartz 4, Hartz IV, Job center, Benefits for education and participation without learning support, Social welfare, Social benefit, Social support, Support, Unemployment benefit II; application

Citizen's allowance; application

If you do not have enough money to cover your own living expenses, you can apply for citizen's allowance.

Service, Notarize final certificate, certify officially, official certification, notarize officially, Notarize school report, Have a certificate notarized

Official certification; obtaining from the municipality or administrative community

As the authorities closest to the citizens, the municipalities and administrative communities in particular are generally authorized to officially certify copies and signatures.

Service A-Z

Service, VHS

Adult education center; payment of fees

As a rule, there is a charge for attending courses and using the facilities of the Adult Education Center.
Service, Animal welfare law

Animal welfare law; application for a certificate of competence or a certificate of proficiency

Competence tests, certificates of competence and certificates of proficiency ensure that the requirements of animal welfare legislation are complied with when keeping, slaughtering and transporting animals.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Employment agency, AsA, Residence status, Education, Cancellation of training, Training qualification, Assistance during training, Training supervisor, Training aid, Apprenticeship, Training support, Foreigners, Apprentice, Disability, Obtain a vocational qualification, Vocational training, Career counseling, Career choice, Job application training, Educational institution, Entry qualification, Refugee, Promotion, Conflict, Conflict resolution, Learning impairment, Learning difficulties, Mediation, Tutoring, Personal problems, Exam preparation, psychological problems, Language barriers, Language problems, Language difficulties, Language support, Stabilization, Support

Assisted training; application

If you have difficulties in your in-company vocational training or entry-level qualification, you and your training company can receive support so that you can successfully start or complete your training or entry-level qualification.


Auctioneer trade; application for appointment as a particularly competent auctioneer

If you wish to conduct public auctions (forced pledge sales or distress sales), you must be publicly appointed by the competent authority.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Education package, Learning support, Lunch, School supplies, Participation package

Benefits for education and participation; application

For children, adolescents and young adults, benefits for education and participation can be applied for by recipients of basic income support for jobseekers, social assistance, benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act, child supplement or housing benefit.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Attachment of name and company, Business registration, Vending machine installation, open your own store, Open your own store, open your own business, open your own store, Open a retail store, open a retail store, Found a company, Company foundation, Doing business, Business opening, Business deregistration online, Business registration online, Trade advertisement, Show business online, Business advertisement online, Commercial enterprise, Business deregistration, Open snack bar, register snack bar, Register a business online, online business advertisement, Open an online store, open an online store, Open an online store, open an online store, Travel trade, Become self-employed, start your own business, trade application, Business notification, business registration, registration, business re-registration, business deregistration, business requiring a permit, business requiring monitoring, itinerant trade, real estate agent, application by EU citizens, application by non-EU citizens, restaurant permit, auction, duplicate

Business notification; business registration

If you want to start a permanent business, you must notify the authorities. You must also report the start of operation of a branch office or dependent branch, as well as the relocation of the business.
Service, Funding offers Foundation, Funding database, Startup in Bavaria - Gründerportal Bayern, Guide to self-employment

Business start-ups; advice and support

You can find out about advice and funding opportunities for business founders via the "Gründerland Bayern" portal and, for example, from the district administrative authorities.


Care and support for the child in emergency situations; applying for support

There are situations in which a parent who is primarily responsible for the child's care is absent for health or other compelling reasons (e.g. childbirth, rehabilitation measures, imprisonment).

Child day care; application for a care permit

If you would like to work as a childminder, you need a care permit before you start working and from the first child.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Childcare

Child daycare facilities; application for an operating license

Owners of a child day care facility require an operating license.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Parental contribution, Parental contributions, Meal costs, Travel costs, Travel expense accounting, Support for children in daycare facilities, Child day care, KiTa fees, Participation fee, Assumption of daycare contribution, Transfer of contributions, Payment of participation fees, Assumption of fees

Childcare; application for funding for children in daycare facilities and daycare centers

The costs of childcare can be fully or partially covered or waived if the parents or the parent are unable to pay financially.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, ALG, ALG 1, Alg 2, ALG I, ALG II, Employment agency, Employment agency for work, Unemployment benefit, Unemployment benefit 2, Unemployment benefit II, Unemployment benefit, Unemployment, Basic security, Hartz, Hartz 4, Hartz IV, Job center, Benefits for education and participation without learning support, Social welfare, Social benefit, Social support, Support, Unemployment benefit II; application

Citizen's allowance; application

If you do not have enough money to cover your own living expenses, you can apply for citizen's allowance.

Latest news


Citizens' assembly

With the Citizens' Assembly, the Equal Opportunities Office has created a format in which women* can voice their (specific) concerns and questions for the city of Erlangen.

young people sitting in a computer room
Applications, Job interview, Application photos, Job application coaching, Curriculum vitae, Cover letter

Help with applications

There is an application center at the Erlangen Youth Employment Agency.

Application form
Financial support, Entry qualification, Travel costs, Application costs, Vocational training allowance, Scholarships

Financial support

At the Erlangen Youth Employment Agency, we can advise you on financial support options.

A woman holds a hand in front of her face.
Women, Girls, Equality, Gender equality, 8 march, 8.march, 8.3.

International Women's Day

March 8 is International Women's Day...

Helping to shape Erlangen

Shape Erlangen

Bergkirchweihgelände: Sanierung Steinbach Keller und hangstabilisierende Maßnahmen oberhalb des oberen Rettungsweges

Gemäß den Festsetzungen für Volksfeste und Kirchweihen der Stadt Erlangen und den Auflagen für die Erlanger Bergkirchweih müssen u. a. die baulichen Anlagen und die dem Verkehr dienenden Flächen verkehrssicher sein. In den vergangenen Jahren wurde bereits ein Großteil der städtischen Kellerflächen entsprechend saniert.. Hierbei soll auch eine nachhaltige und ganzjährige Nutzung des Geländes mitgedacht werden..
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Campus Berufliche Bildung Erlangen (CBBE): Neubau Werkstättentrakt und Sanierung des GewerblichenTrakts

Baumaßnahmen am Campus Berufliche Bildung Erlangen (CBBE) sichern einen zukunftsorientierten Unterrichtsort für die gewerblichen Ausbildungsberufe der Berufsschule Erlangen. Hier entsteht ein neuer Werkstättentrakt und eine Mensa für alle Schulen am Campus Berufliche Bildung Erlangen (CBBE). Der Klassen- und Verwaltungstrakt wird saniert.
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Creating a place of remembrance for the victims of euthanasia

Together with various project partners, a place of remembrance and future is to be established on the site of the former Erlangen sanatorium and nursing home (HuPfla).
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Erweiterung des Feuerwehrgerätaus Dechsendorf

Das Feuerwehrgerätehaus in Dechsendorf wird erweitert. Damit verbunden ist das Ziel, die Leistungsfähigkeit der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Dechsendorf für die Sicherheit der Bürger*innen und Bürger zu erhalten und zu verbessern.