Child daycare facilities; application for an operating license
Owners of a child day care facility require an operating license.
Stand: 13.01.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
Online procedure
Apply for an operating license for daycare facilities (due to new opening)
You can use this online application to apply for an operating license for daycare facilities (for new openings).
Citizen-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
Apply for an operating license for daycare facilities (due to a change)
You can use this online application to apply for an operating license for daycare facilities (due to a change).
Citizen-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
The licensing requirement applies to all daycare facilities where children are cared for all or part of the day.
Daycare facilities that require a permit include
- crèches
- kindergartens
- day nurseries
- Mixed-age facilities (houses for children)
- Short-term care (facilities requiring an operating license)
- "Networks for children" facilities
The operating license can be subject to additional conditions and requirements and is generally only issued after a thorough examination of the local conditions.
Permission must be granted if the welfare of the children in the daycare facility is guaranteed. This can generally be assumed if
- the provider has the necessary reliability to operate the facility
- the spatial, technical, economic and personnel requirements for the operation of the facility in accordance with its purpose and concept are met and are guaranteed by the provider,
- social and linguistic integration and a health-promoting living environment are supported in the facility and the preventive health care and medical care of the children and young people are not made more difficult, and
- the development, application and review of a concept for protection against violence, suitable procedures for self-representation and participation as well as the possibility of complaints in personal matters within and outside the facility are ensured in order to safeguard the rights and well-being of children and young people in the facility.
The application must be submitted in writing to the district administrative authority (district office or municipal administration) or, in the case of daycare facilities run by independent municipalities, to the government. The government will then check - if necessary also by inspecting the premises - whether the requirements for granting the operating license are met.
Depending on the requirements of the individual case, the responsible specialists have the right and the duty (also unannounced) to inspect the ongoing operation of the facility, particularly in the event of danger. The competent authority must be notified of the commencement (and imminent closure) of the operation of a facility requiring a permit, stating the name and address of the provider, the type and location of the facility, the number of places available and the names and professional training of the manager and care staff. Any changes and the number of occupied places must be reported once a year.
- Concept incl. protection concept
- Floor plans with square meters and functional description
- Articles of association of the executing agency
- Training certificates of the management
- Extended certificate of good conduct of the facility management
- Rental agreement
- Transfer agreement
- Usage agreement for dual use
- Building permit (including change of use/fire protection)
- Care contract
§ Section 45 of Social Code VIII (SGB VIII)
Framework conditions and legal basis for child daycare in Bavaria
Infrastructure management and independent sponsors
Here you will find a contact person for the independent providers of the City of Erlangen, support for investment costs and building maintenance subsidies, application for rental cost subsidies, the technical supervision for independent providers and information on applying for an operating license for independent providers.
On-site appointments are only possible by individual arrangement. Please contact us by phone, e-mail or contact form.
Telephone availability:
Monday to Thursday: 09:30 - 15:00
Friday: 09:30 - 12:00