Childcare; applying for funding for children in daycare facilities and in daycare centers
The costs of childcare can be fully or partially covered or waived if the parents or the parent are unable to pay financially.
Stand: 23.04.2024. Link zum BayernPortal
Online procedure
Apply for assumption of costs for child daycare
You can use this online application to apply for the costs of childcare to be covered.
User-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
Children are educated, raised and cared for during the day in daycare facilities . Daycare facilities are either aimed primarily at a specific age group or they offer an extended age mix. Facilities that predominantly accept children from one age group are Crèches (0-3 years), kindergartens (3-6 years) and day nurseries (6-14 years). Mixed-age facilities are, for example, homes for children whose services are aimed at children of different age groups (0-14 years). There are also special forms, e.g. day care centers in connection with schools and curative day care centers for educational assistance, day care homes.
Child day care is the most family-like form of child day care for toddlers, but also for kindergarten and school children, where individual needs can be taken into account particularly well. The care is provided by a permanent caregiver (day carer) in their home, in the home of the child's parents or in other suitable rooms.
If parents are unable to afford the fees (or parental contribution) of a child day care facility/child day care, the communal lunch or a vacation activity due to their financial circumstances, these can be covered in full or in part by the youth welfare office under certain conditions.
The parent with whom the child lives may take the place of the parents.
Regional Supplement (Editorial responsibility: City of Erlangen)
The fees office processes applications for fee exemptions for municipal daycare facilities and applications for the assumption of fees for independent daycare facilities. At the same time, the complete processing of child day care takes place in the fees office. This includes both the payment of financial contributions to the childminders and the collection of parental contributions and, if necessary, their transfer.
Whether the costs are covered in full or subsidized depends on your income.
However, the costs can always be covered if the parents or child receive
- Benefits from the Jobcenter to secure their livelihood (SGB II benefits),
- Benefits according to the 3rd or 4th chapter of SGB XII (assistance for living expenses and basic security in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity),
- Benefits according to §§ 2 and 3 of the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act,
- Child supplement according to § 6a of the Federal Child Benefit Act or
- housing benefit in accordance with the Housing Benefit Act (WoGG).
Regional Supplement (Editorial responsibility: City of Erlangen)
Alternatively, full or partial exemption from costs is possible if the family income is below the income limits in accordance with Section 85 (2) SGB XII. The income limit is determined individually according to the number of family members.
If the child lives with only one parent, their income is decisive.
A corresponding application must be submitted to the youth welfare office. This must be completed in full, signed and confirmed by the daycare facility.
If the costs are covered, the contribution will be transferred to the daycare center's account.
Regional Supplement (Editorial responsibility: City of Erlangen)
Application at the fee office of the Erlangen City Youth Welfare Office:
When receiving
- Benefits to ensure subsistence in accordance with SGB II
- Benefits according to the third and fourth chapters of SGB XII
- Benefits according to §§ 2 and 3 of the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act
- Child supplement in accordance with § 6a of the Federal Child Benefit Act (BKGG) or housing benefit in accordance with the Housing Benefit Act
there is an entitlement to a fee transfer/waiver without further income verification.
If none of the above-mentioned social benefits are received, but the family income is below a certain income limit, a calculation is made in accordance with § 85 Para. 2 SGB XII to determine whether there is an entitlement to a full or possibly partial fee waiver.
The completed application with the relevant documents (social benefits notice or corresponding proof of income) must be submitted to the Erlangen City Youth Welfare Office:
Child day care fee office
City of Erlangen
Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen
The applicant will receive a notification of approval or rejection of the application.
If your financial circumstances change during the period of cost coverage or subsidization, the Youth Welfare Office must be informed immediately. A recalculation will then be made. Incorrect or incomplete information or failure to notify the Youth Welfare Office of changes may result in the wrongly received benefits being reclaimed.
The application must be submitted before your child is admitted to the day-care center, the day-care facility or when registering for a vacation program, or as soon as the requirements for acceptance are met.
- Social benefit notifications (SGB II, SGB XII, AsylbLG, child allowance, housing benefit)
Alternativ: sonstige Einkommensnachweise (Lohnabrechnungen, Renten, BaföG, Unterhalt, Unterhaltsvorschuss, Elterngeld, Familiengeld), Nachweise über Aufwendungen für die Unterkunft (Miete, Hauslasten)
- Enclose the following documents with the application:
- Nachweis über die Höhe Ihres Nettoverdienstes der letzten 12 Monate und/oder
- aktueller Bescheid über Gewährung von Arbeitslosengeld II (Hartz IV) und/oder
- Nachweise anderer Einkünfte (z. B. Kinderzuschlag, Arbeitslosengeld, Krankengeld, Elterngeld, Unterhaltszahlungen, BAföG, Berufsausbildungsbeihilfe, Rente, Miet- und Pachteinnahmen usw.
- Nachweis über die Höhe Ihrer Kaltmiete und eine detaillierte Betriebskostenaufschlüsselung (vom Vermieter ausgefüllte Mietbescheinigung oder eine Kopie Ihres Mietvertrages) oder
- Nachweis über die Höhe der Belastungen für Eigenheim (z. B. Schuldzinsen, Grundsteuer, Kaminkehrergebühren, Kanal-/Abwassergebühren, Abfallbeseitigungsgebühren, Gebäudeversicherung) oder
- aktuellen Bescheid der Wohngeldstelle über Wohngeld bzw. Lastenzuschuss
- ggf. Nachweise über Versicherungsbeiträge - aus den Unterlagen müssen die Höhe des Versicherungsbeitrags und der Zahlungsmodus (monatlich, ¼jährlich, ½jährlich oder jährlich) und die Art der Versicherung (Hausrat-, Unfall-, Privathaftpflicht-, Arbeitsunfähigkeits-, Berufsunfähigkeits-, zusätzliche private Krankenversicherung) ersichtlich sein
- ggf. Nachweis über die Beiträge zu einer Riester-Rente
- ggf. Nachweise über bestehende Ratenzahlungsverpflichtungen - aus den Unterlagen müssen der Grund der Ratenzahlung (z. B. Auto- oder Möbelkauf, Renovierungskosten, Mietrückstände), die monatliche Ratenhöhe und die Laufzeit der Ratenzahlungsverpflichtung ersichtlich sein
- ggf. Nachweise über sonstige finanzielle Belastungen (z. B. Fahrtkosten zur Arbeit, Aufwendungen für Arbeitsmittel, Beiträge zu Berufsverbänden, Unterhaltszahlungen)
Regional Supplement (Editorially responsible: City of Erlangen)
Regional Supplement (Editorial responsibility: City of Erlangen)
Fee office
The costs of childcare can be paid in full or in part or waived if the parents or the parent are financially unable to pay.
Letter area A - Gh: Room 807, telephone +(49) 09131 / 86 - 2874
Letter area Gi - Me: Room 807, telephone +(49) 09131 / 86 - 2148
Letter range Mf - Sc: Room 806, telephone +(49) 09131 / 86 - 1739
Letter range Sd - Z: Room 806, telephone +(49) 09131 / 86 - 1572
Monday: individual appointments possible from 15:00 - 18:00