Business start-ups; advice and support
You can find out about advice and funding opportunities for business founders via the "Gründerland Bayern" portal and, for example, from the district administrative authorities.
Stand: 14.06.2024. Link zum BayernPortal
In the Free State of Bavaria, the prospects of being successfully self-employed are particularly favorable. In order to make Bavaria the leader in business start-ups, the Bavarian state government has launched the "Gründerland Bayern" initiative.
The aim of the Gründerland Bayern initiative is to improve the framework conditions for business founders through a package of measures that build on each other and, above all, are open to technology. The initiative supports (prospective) entrepreneurs with offers of financing and funding, advice and coaching as well as the use of networks and infrastructure. It is aimed at founders from all sectors and in every start-up phase - from the creation of a business plan and the search for suitable financing through to the growth phase. Both start-ups and company successions are supported.
If you want to stand on your own two feet professionally, you should plan your project carefully and seek advice from experts. First of all, you need an overview of the market situation, the competitive situation, the development of customer needs and possible gaps in the product range. Industry and management experience pay off here. You don't need to reinvent the wheel to be successful. In many cases, it makes sense to adopt concepts that have already been successfully practiced and develop them further. You should also consider whether you are starting from scratch or whether you can take over an existing company. Both have advantages and disadvantages. Expert advice before setting up a business considerably increases the chances of success. Accordingly, the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs and the European Social Fund support those interested in starting a business and potential business successors through the Bavarian pre-start-up coaching program to take advantage of appropriate advice - as long as the advice takes place before the business is founded.
The online portal for business start-ups in Bavaria,, offers excellent initial orientation. It provides a compact summary of everything - from the ten steps to setting up a business, support networks, advice and coaching to financing and other funding opportunities. On you can also find the right contact person in your region under the heading "Find contact points" - at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Chamber of Trade, associations, governments, universities, entrepreneurship centers, business incubators, business development agencies, networks and other regional institutions. Take advantage of their wide range of advice and support on the subject of start-ups.
In order to stimulate personal initiative and contribute to even more start-up activity, the state facilitates the establishment of independent businesses with public financial aid. There are various federal and state funding programs for this purpose. Care must be taken to ensure that the application is submitted before the start of the project ("pre-commencement clause"). Loans are granted in accordance with the "house bank principle" via the applicant's house bank. Further financial assistance (e.g. grants, venture capital and equity capital) can be applied for directly from the relevant authorities. You can find an overview of financing and funding opportunities at under the heading "Find financing".
Start-up state Bavaria
In the online portal for start-ups in Bavaria, you will find tips, information and everything you need to know to start a business in Bavaria.
City of Erlangen
The City of Erlangen offers a wide range of services.
Here you will find the individual specialist departments and their range of services.
Depending on the respective office and institution.