Instructor explains a machine to the trainee

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Do you have a compulsory internship during school, university or training? Are you doing a gap year? Or are you unsure about what to do after school? Get to know us during an internship and gain an insight into various professional fields.

Our city administration

Around 3,000 people work together every day for the colorful city of Erlangen. We are creating a city in which everyone can participate. A city that everyone can actively help shape. Whether environment and sustainability, digitalization, mobility of the future, building & housing, services for citizens or accessibility: With our diverse range of topics and tasks, we are one of the top employers in the region.

Become part of our community. And actively shape your city!Apply now!

Frequently asked questions

Contact us

Organization and Human Resources Department


Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 61
91052 Erlangen


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