amt_33_-_block internship

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Block internship

A block internship can be completed at the City of Erlangen for a wide variety of reasons.
The possibilities are so diverse that internships can be offered in a wide range of professions and departments. The period can be agreed individually, subject to compliance with the statutory minimum wage regulations.

Placement is dependent on an early request for an internship and the availability of the respective specialist department. The request should therefore be made at least six weeks in advance.

Documents required for an application:

  • Internship form, which is completed under "Part A" (see below under "Downloads & Forms")
  • Short covering letter
  • curriculum vitae
  • If necessary, supporting documents, e.g. certificate of enrolment

We always endeavor to match all internship requests with the applicant's wishes. However, we cannot guarantee that a requested internship will materialize.

The following internships can generally be completed at the City of Erlangen:

  • The internship serves as (re)orientation before studying/training (internship period max. 3 months).
  • It is a voluntary internship during studies (internship period max. 3 months).
  • The internship is required as part of a course of study/vocational training (compulsory internship).
  • It is an internship based on a subsidized measure of the job center/employment agency.

Special instructions for an internship in community facilities:

If the intern comes into contact with children and young people in communal facilities, instruction in accordance with Section 35 of the Infection Protection Act is required.
If the intern comes into contact with food (this also includes the mere presentation of food), instruction in accordance with
§ Section 43 (1) of the Infection Protection Act is required before the start of the internship.

In schools or community facilities where minors are predominantly cared for, all interns with a corresponding area of activity are required to provide proof of sufficient vaccination protection or immunity against measles in accordance with the German Measles Protection and Vaccination Prevention Act. Proof of this must be submitted before the start of the internship.

In certain areas (e.g. childcare facilities), an extended certificate of good conduct may have to be requested in advance for submission to an authority.

Downloads & Forms

doc, 45 KB

Internship form

Human Resources Development Department - Training Team


Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 61
91052 Erlangen


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