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Service portal - ID & documents

Would you like to apply for a new ID card or passport? Then you've come to the right place! On this page you will find all municipal services in the area of ID & documents.

Frequently searched for

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Application for a certificate of good conduct, Information about previous convictions, Certificate of good conduct, Document type 0, Document type N, Document type O, Document type P, Federal Central Register, criminal record certificate, Apply for a certificate of good conduct, Certificate of good conduct for official purposes, Apply for a police clearance certificate, Private management certificate, Criminal record extract, Criminal record certificate

Certificate of good conduct; application for a simple certificate of good conduct

If you need a certificate of good conduct for official or private purposes, you can apply for one at your local authority or electronically via the online portal of the Federal Office of Justice.
Service, official identification document, ID card, Identity card, official identity document, temporary identity card, passport replacement, identify, Identification, ID card, PA, Passport replacement, Identity card / temporary identity card, temporary ID card, temporary identity card, Personal documents, Collect identity documents, Personal documents ready for collection

Identity card; application

Germans can apply for an identity card at their local authority.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Collection of identity documents, Personal documents ready for collection, Personal documents, pick up, Identity card ready for collection, Personal documents ready for collection

Identity card; information on the processing status

If you have applied for an ID card, you can find out about the processing status.

Service, Notarize final certificate, certify officially, official certification, notarize officially, Notarize school report, Have your certificate notarized

Official certification; obtaining from the municipality or administrative community

As the authorities closest to the citizens, the municipalities and administrative communities in particular are generally authorized to officially certify copies and signatures.

Service, official identification document, Abroad, Departure, Identity card, official identity document, temporary identity card, passport, identify, passport application, passport application, passport application, biometrics, biometric photo, Chip, Third country, electronic passports, ePassport, electronic passport, Express Pass, Fingerprint, Identification, Passport, Passport office, Passport / temporary passport, Apply for a passport, passport costs, Vacation, Visa, temporary ID card

Passport; application

The passport or temporary passport is an official identification document for Germans, which is generally required for entry into or departure from the Federal Republic of Germany and can be applied for at the responsible municipality.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Certificate of address, Confirmation of registration, Registration form, Certificate of residence

Registration certificate; application

A registration certificate about your place of residence and possibly other data is required for a variety of everyday matters.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, deregistration with the registration office, Change of address, bavarian registration law, registration office munich, Registration law Bavaria, Reporting system, re-register, Re-registration, move, Relocation, Moving outside the European Union, Moving within the European Union, deregistered ex officio, deregister residence, Deregistration of residence, Deregister residence, deregister residence, deregister residence, deregister apartment, Change of residence, address notification, Change of address, Change address, deregistration form apartment, deregister apartment

Residence; deregistration

When you move out of your home, you are obliged to deregister with the relevant registration authority (municipality or city) within two weeks, unless you move into a new home in Germany.

Service, Change of address, Registration confirmation, Log in, Registration with the registration office, Registration at the registration office, Registration of new apartment, Residence registration, Bavarian Registration Act, Register with the registration office, Register booth, move in, Move-in, Register municipality, Main residence, Registration law Bavaria, Registration law Bavaria, Reporting system, new building, new domicile, Obligation to register, Re-registration, Relocation, Report move, Change residence, Register residence, Residence registration, Change your place of residence, Apartment, Register apartment, Reregister your apartment, Responsible registration authority, Immigration, Change of residence, Change of address, Change address, Place of residence

Residence; registration

If you move into an apartment, you must register with the relevant registration authority (municipality, town or administrative community) within two weeks.
Service, official identification document, ID card, Child ID card, Children's passport, apply for a child passport, Children's passport, Apply for a child's passport, Passport replacement, Apply for a passport for children

Travel documents for children; application

You can apply for travel documents for a German child at the local authority.

Service A-Z

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Notification of a birth abroad, foreign birth certificate, Notarization of a birth abroad, Births abroad, Birth abroad, Subsequent certification of birth

Birth abroad; application for subsequent certification in the German register of births

A birth abroad can be subsequently certified in the German register of births.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Certificate of descent, Registration, Exhibition, Birth certificate, Parents, Delivery, Premature birth, Birth, Birth registration, Birth announcement, Birth certification, Birthday, International birth certificate, international birth certificate, Child, Child registration, Rattling stork, Mother, Young talent, Son, Registry office, Registry office matter, Registry office matters, Daughter, Certificate, Father, birth register, Birth register transcript

Birth certificate; application

If you need proof of your birth, you can apply for a birth certificate under certain conditions.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Brexit; notification of residence for British nationals

British nationals who are resident in Germany on December 31, 2020 and remain resident in Germany must report their residence to the Foreigners' Registration Office.
Service, care service

Care; advice for people in need of care and their relatives and dependents

Among other things, district offices, independent cities and districts offer free advice for people in need of care and their relatives.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, ECRIS, European Criminal Records Information System

Certificate of good conduct; application for a European Certificate of Good Conduct

The European Certificate of Good Conduct does not have to be applied for. When a certificate of good conduct is issued to nationals of other EU Member States, the entries in the criminal record of the Member State of origin are recorded in full.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Application for a certificate of good conduct, Information about previous convictions, Certificate of good conduct, Document type 0, Document type N, Document type O, Document type P, Federal Central Register, criminal record certificate, Apply for a certificate of good conduct, Certificate of good conduct for official purposes, Apply for a police clearance certificate, Private management certificate, Criminal record extract, Criminal record certificate

Certificate of good conduct; application for a simple certificate of good conduct

If you need a certificate of good conduct for official or private purposes, you can apply for one at your local authority or electronically via the online portal of the Federal Office of Justice.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, extended certificate of good conduct

Certificate of good conduct; application for an extended certificate of good conduct

If you require an extended certificate of good conduct for official or private purposes, you can apply for this at the local authority responsible for you or via the online portal of the Federal Office of Justice.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Change of name, Change name, Change name, Change of surnames, Change of first name; Change of given name, Change of surname, change my name, change name, change surname, change surname, New name, Renaming, Change of first name

Change of name; application

First name and surname can be changed upon request if an important reason can be recognized.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Negative certificate, Nationality at birth, Nationality card

Citizenship; application for determination of German citizenship

In cases of doubt, the administration can make a generally binding decision as to whether or not German citizenship exists.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Citizenship; application to renounce German citizenship

German nationals who hold several citizenships can renounce their German citizenship.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Civil partnership certificate; application

You can have a civil partnership certificate issued on the basis of the civil partnership register kept at the relevant registry office.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Notarization of a death abroad, Deceased abroad, Subsequent certification of death, Deaths abroad

Death abroad; application for subsequent certification in the German death register

A death abroad can be subsequently certified in the German death register.

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