Citizenship; application to renounce German citizenship
German nationals who hold several citizenships can renounce their German citizenship.
Stand: 05.02.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
Online procedure
German citizenship; declare renunciation
You can use this online application to declare your renunciation of German citizenship.
Citizen-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
Contact form - Department for Foreigners' Affairs and Naturalization
You can use this online application to send a message to the Department for Foreigners' Affairs and Naturalization of the City of Erlangen.
Citizen-friendly and digital: Simply fill out this online contact form directly via your internet browser. Whether you are on the move or at home.
It sometimes happens that multiple nationals have to or wish to give up their German citizenship, e.g. because they want to join the army or the civil service of another country (whose citizenship they also hold) or take up political office there. In this case, it is possible to renounce German citizenship.
A certificate of renunciation is issued as proof of renunciation of German citizenship.
- Proven possession of a foreign nationality
- No grounds for refusal
The application for a waiver must be submitted in writing to the responsible district administrative authority (district administration office/district-free city).
The application can be submitted to many authorities online or alternatively in paper form.
The waiver certificate will be issued by the competent authority after checking the requirements and reasons for refusal.
The renunciation of German citizenship becomes effective on the day the certificate of renunciation is issued, which is usually done by the competent authority. Please note that you will be treated as a foreigner by German authorities from this date. Your German passport and/or identity card will be confiscated upon delivery.
If you are an active civil servant, judge, soldier or otherwise employed under public law, you can only renounce your German citizenship if you have been permanently resident abroad for at least 10 years.
Renouncing German citizenship may also have an effect on an existing public employment relationship (civil servant relationship) or on current or future pension payments (e.g. retirement/pension payments, orphan's or widow's benefits).
Please enquire with your employer or your benefits office before submitting your application as to whether and to what extent you will suffer any (financial) disadvantages as a result of giving up your German citizenship.
- Application available from the competent authority or online procedure
- Proof of foreign citizenship (usually a national passport)
- Approval from the German family court for applicants who are minors or adults under guardianship
In the case of applicants who are minors or adults under guardianship, renunciation of German citizenship is only possible with the approval of the German family court (at the local court). You must apply for and complete the corresponding procedure at the court yourself.
- Clearance certificate from the military replacement authority for persons subject to compulsory military service in accordance with Section 1 of the Conscription Act (WPflG)
Persons subject to compulsory military service in accordance with § 1 WPflG may only waive this requirement if the military replacement authorities (Bundeswehr Career Center) have no objections. This applies regardless of the fact that compulsory military service has been suspended since 01.07.2011. The clearance certificate is therefore currently issued on a regular basis.
The waiver procedure is free of charge.
Foreigners' affairs and naturalizations
- Residence for the purpose of education, study or employment
- Residence for reasons of international law, humanitarian or political reasons
- Residence for the purpose of family reunification with foreigners: Temporary stays, permanent stays, humanitarian stays
- Residence for family reunification with Germans
- Declaration of commitment
- Integration
- Naturalization and citizenship law (Click here for the Quick Check Naturalization)
Telephone availability:
Tuesday: 13:30 - 15:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00
Thursday: 13:30 - 15:00