Naturalization; application for the granting of German citizenship to foreigners without a claim to naturalization (discretionary naturalization)
Foreigners who do not or do not yet meet the requirements for naturalization can be naturalized at their discretion, provided certain conditions are met.
Stand: 15.11.2024. Link zum BayernPortal
Online procedure
Naturalization - Quick-Check
You can use the Quick-Check to carry out a non-binding check of the naturalization requirements. However, the naturalization procedure is only initiated once the application and all required documents have been effectively submitted. The final decision is made by the competent authority after the requirements have been checked.
Contact form - Department for Foreigners' Affairs and Naturalization
You can use this online application to send a message to the Department for Foreigners' Affairs and Naturalization of the City of Erlangen.
Citizen-friendly and digital: Simply fill out this online contact form directly via your internet browser. Whether you are on the move or at home.
Apply for naturalization online
Naturalization is the granting of German citizenship to a foreigner. It must be applied for and is carried out by issuing a special naturalization certificate.
A foreigner whose identity and nationality have been clarified, who is legally resident in Germany at the time of naturalization but does not meet the requirements for entitlement to naturalization, can be naturalized on a discretionary basis upon application. The foreigner must be able to support themselves and their dependent family members from their own resources and must not have a criminal record.
If they meet these requirements, the citizenship authority will check whether there is a public (state) interest in naturalization.
In principle, the applicant must have been a legal resident in Germany for five years. For German married couples, the period of residence can be reduced to three years. Furthermore, the period of residence can be shortened to three years if proof of special integration achievements can be provided (secure livelihood for the applicant and all dependants, particularly good educational, vocational or professional achievements and fulfillment of the requirements for the language test at level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
Discretionary naturalization can be considered if the following requirements are met:
- a permanent right of residence at the time of naturalization
- Proof of knowledge of the legal and social order and living conditions in Germany. This proof is not required for former guest workers or contract workers of the former GDR and their spouses who have joined them in the same period.
- five years of legal residence in Germany (this period can be shortened to three years in the case of special integration achievements). For German spouses who have been married for two years, the period is reduced to three years.
- In principle, independent means of subsistence (also for dependent family members) without recourse to public benefits (exceptions are possible in the case of receipt of benefits for which the applicant is not responsible).
- Proof of sufficient oral and written German language skills: List of recognized language certificates In the case of former guest workers or contract workers from the former GDR and their spouses who joined them in the same period, it is sufficient if they can make themselves understood verbally in German without any significant problems in everyday life.
- No conviction for a criminal offense
- Commitment to the free democratic basic order of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany and to Germany's special historical responsibility
- no polygamy and no evidence of disregard for equal rights for men and women
You can apply for naturalization at your district office or, if you live in an independent city, at the city administration online or in paper form.
The decision on the application is made by the respective government of your administrative district.
- Application for naturalization
The application can be submitted online or alternatively in paper form. Forms are available from the district administrative authority.
- Passport or identity card for EU citizens
- Proof of knowledge of the legal and social order and living conditions in Germany by means of a certificate of successful naturalization test or graduation from a general education school in Germany
- Proof of sufficient oral and written German language skills (school reports, certificates, etc.)
- Proof of income, pension, health and long-term care insurance, if applicable also for family members
- Upon reasoned request by the competent authority, proof of marital status (e.g. birth certificate, marriage certificate if applicable, divorce decree if applicable)
- Further documents and certificates may be required. Foreign certificates and documents must be translated at the request of the competent authority.
In principle: 255.00 euros
Minor children without their own income who are naturalized together with their parents: 51.00 euros
Additional costs may arise
- for the submission of civil status certificates
- for proof of civic knowledge or language skills
- for translations of foreign documents by sworn translators and certification fees
Regional Supplement (Editorial responsibility: City of Erlangen)
Naturalization office
Telephone availability:
Tuesday: 13:30 - 15:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00
Thursday: 13:30 - 15:00
Foreigners' affairs and naturalizations
- Residence for the purpose of education, study or employment
- Residence for reasons of international law, humanitarian or political reasons
- Residence for the purpose of family reunification with foreigners: Temporary stays, permanent stays, humanitarian stays
- Residence for family reunification with Germans
- Declaration of commitment
- Integration
- Naturalization and citizenship law (Click here for the Quick Check Naturalization)
Telephone availability:
Tuesday: 13:30 - 15:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00
Thursday: 13:30 - 15:00