Travel documents for children; application
You can apply for travel documents for a German child at the municipality.
Stand: 28.01.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
! CHANGE AS OF 01.01.2024 !
With the law on the modernization of the passport, identity card and foreigner document system, which was published on 12.10.2023, the children's passport was abolished on 01.01.2024. Since 01.01.2024, no new children's passports can be issued, extended or updated.
The validity of children's passports that have already been issued remains unaffected.
Since 01.11.2007, it is no longer possible to enter the child in the parents' passport. Previous child entries have been invalid since 26.06.2012 due to a European regulation. In this respect, children (from birth) always need their own travel document to cross the border ("one person - one passport").
For your child with German citizenship, you can - regardless of age - continue to apply for passports valid for several years or identity cards (function for electronic proof of identity from the age of 16). Both are valid for 6 years for persons under the age of 24. Identity cards are recognized as travel documents in the EU and are sufficient for both adults and children. The passport allows visa-free travel for tourist purposes to over 170 countries worldwide and is one of the most popular in the world.
It is advisable to base the choice of ID document for children on their use and travel behavior, as ID is only compulsory from the age of 16.
Since an ID document is invalid if it does not allow a proper identification, we recommend paying particular attention to the up-to-dateness of the photo to prevent problems when crossing borders, as the appearance of infants and very young children in particular can change considerably during the period of validity.
Since 02.08.2021, the names of all custodial persons can be entered in the passport (or temporary passport) of minors upon joint application by both parents if the surname of the minor differs from the surname of at least one custodial person. This simplifies checks when traveling across borders. However, this entry does not replace the written consent of the second person with custody - which may be required during the journey - for parents traveling alone with their child.
The municipality in which you or the child are registered for your/their residence, or for your/their main residence if there is more than one residence, is responsible for issuing an identity card or passport.
For children born abroad, the local diplomatic mission responsible for the place of birth is generally responsible for issuing a German identity document for the first time, regardless of whether the child's habitual residence has been transferred to Germany.
Regional Supplement (Editorial responsibility: City of Erlangen)
No appointments are required at the City of Erlangen (in contrast to the above).
Citizens can visit the Citizens' Service during opening hours without an appointment.
- German within the meaning of Art. 116 (1) of the Basic Law
- Submission of a formal application to the relevant municipality (in the case of joint custody by both parents, if they are not only temporarily separated, generally by the parent with whom the child usually resides alone or by the parent with sole custody, guardian or custodian).
- The minor child must also appear in person at the passport/ID office to verify their identity.
You must apply for a passport or identity card for your child at the passport/identity card office responsible for the place of residence.
According to the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community, it usually takes at least two weeks from the date of application until the identity card/passport can be collected from the Citizens' Office. In some cases, however, it can take several weeks. Please apply for travel documents for children in good time before you travel. You can obtain further information from your local passport/ID office.
In urgent and emergency cases, the passport can be issued using the express procedure: If the express application is received by Bundesdruckerei GmbH by 12:00 noon, the passport will usually be ready for collection from the passport authority on the following third working day (Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays).
Provisional passport/provisional ID card: Issuance and delivery are possible immediately.
- Current biometric photograph (frontal view)
- old children's passport/old identity document or birth certificate
- in the case of parents living together who are jointly entitled to parental custody,
the application can be made by one parent with the written consent of the other parent, whereby the signature of the other parent should be verified by the passport authority - if there is only one legal guardian: proof of custody
Identity card
- Applicants under the age of 24: EUR 22.80
- Fees will be increased by EUR 13.00 if the official act is carried out at the request of the applicant outside official office hours at the request of the applicant or by a non-competent authority.
- Increase in fees by EUR 30.00 for applications made by so-called foreign Germans to - incompetent domestic identity card authorities
- before the age of 24: EUR 37.50
- Temporary passport: EUR 26.00
- Change of passport/temporary passport (only size and/or eye color): EUR 6.00 (change of place of residence free of charge)
- Surcharge for an express passport: EUR 32.00
Doubling of the fees:
- When issuing a passport, temporary passport or changing a passport, temporary passport, if this is done outside official office hours at the request of the applicant.
- When issuing a passport (even before the age of 24), temporary passport or change to a passport, temporary passport, if this is done by an incompetent authority at the instigation of the applicant.
Regional Supplement (Editorial responsibility: City of Erlangen)
Entry of the legal guardian in the passport: 6 euros.
§ Section 1 (1) and (4) of the Act on Identity Cards and Electronic Proof of Identity (Identity Card Act - PAuswG)
§§ Sections 7 and 8 of the Act on Identity Cards and Electronic Proof of Identity (Identity Card Act - PAuswG)
§ Section 8c Competence Ordinance (ZustV)
§ Section 1 Passport Act (PassG)
§ Section 5 Passport Act (PassG)
§ Section 6 Passport Act (PassG)
§ Section 19 Passport Act (PassG)
FAQs from the Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Home Affairs: Frequently asked questions and answers about passports
- Which ID document can I have issued for my child with German citizenship?
- Why will there no longer be passports for children from January 1, 2024?
- What do I need to know about travel documents for babies/infants?
- How and where do I apply for a passport?
Regional Supplement (Editorial responsibility: City of Erlangen)
The applicants must identify themselves. If only one of the parents or guardians presents themselves, they must submit the written consent of the other parent
parent to issue the identity document and a copy of the identity document (for signature verification).
Proof of custody:
In the case of unmarried parents, the mother has custody by law. Married parents are (even after a divorce)
have joint custody. If a different decision has been made, this must be proven.
Parents who are not married to each other and who have made a joint declaration of custody must submit the
"Certificate of joint parental custody" issued by the municipal youth welfare office. The father is then registered as an additional legal representative.
Married or divorced parents to whom sole parental custody or the determination of residence has been transferred by court order
must submit the corresponding legally binding order from the local court/family court.
Passport and identification
You can carry out passport and ID matters at the on-site citizen service on the first floor of the town hall. Here you can obtain passports, identity cards, children's passports, temporary documents, etc.
Telephone availability:
Monday: 08:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 15:30
Tuesday: 08:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 15:30
Wednesday: 08:00 - 12:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 15:30
Friday: 08:00 - 12:00 a.m.