Wichtiger Hinweis
Service: Asylum & Integration
People who come to us from other countries are welcome in Erlangen and are an integral part of society. With numerous services, advice and information, we help people with a migration background to feel at home in Erlangen and integrate into society.
Frequently searched for
Naturalization; application for the granting of German citizenship to foreigners entitled to naturalization (entitlement to naturalization)
A foreigner living in Germany is entitled to naturalization under certain conditions.
Declaration of commitment
Declaration of commitment to cover the costs of living or the costs of departure for invited foreigners.
Naturalization; application for the granting of German citizenship to foreigners entitled to naturalization (entitlement to naturalization)
A foreigner living in Germany is entitled to naturalization under certain conditions.
Declaration of commitment
Declaration of commitment to cover the costs of living or the costs of departure for invited foreigners.
Service A-Z
Asylum seekers; application for permission to move out
Under certain conditions, an exemption from the obligation to live in shared accommodation and decentralized accommodation can be granted. Beneficiaries may then live in private accommodation.
Asylum seekers; applying for benefits
Asylum seekers receive benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG) if they meet the requirements.
Asylum seekers; applying for sickness benefits
Asylum seekers receive benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG) in the event of illness if they meet the requirements.
Brexit; notification of residence for British nationals
Citizenship; examination of the acquisition of German citizenship at birth in Germany
The registry office checks whether a child of foreign parents has acquired German citizenship by birth in Germany in accordance with Section 4 (3) of the Citizenship Act.
Declaration of commitment; submission
If you want to enable a foreign guest or several foreign guests to stay in Germany, you can undertake to pay for his or her living expenses.
Deprivation of liberty under the Family Law Procedure Act; application
In certain cases regulated by law, the court orders measures involving deprivation of liberty to protect public safety and order at the request of the competent administrative authority.
Driving license; application for the transfer of a foreign driving license
As the holder of a foreign driving license, you can obtain a German driving license more easily under certain conditions.
Duldung; application for issuance and extension
Foreigners who are required to leave the country and whose deportation has been temporarily suspended are tolerated. The foreigner is issued with a certificate of this, the so-called toleration.
Employment permit; application
If you are a foreigner in possession of a tolerated stay permit or are in an ongoing asylum procedure and would like to take up employment, you must apply for an employment permit from the foreigners authority responsible for you.
Entry permit; application
You can apply for an entry permit. This has the effect of temporarily suspending the entry and residence ban.
EU Blue Card; Application
The EU Blue Card can be applied for by non-EU nationals with an academic or equivalent level of qualification who intend to take up employment in Germany.
Asylum seekers; application for permission to move out
Under certain conditions, an exemption from the obligation to live in shared accommodation and decentralized accommodation can be granted. Beneficiaries may then live in private accommodation.
Asylum seekers; applying for benefits
Asylum seekers receive benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG) if they meet the requirements.
Asylum seekers; applying for sickness benefits
Asylum seekers receive benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG) in the event of illness if they meet the requirements.
Brexit; notification of residence for British nationals
Citizenship; examination of the acquisition of German citizenship at birth in Germany
The registry office checks whether a child of foreign parents has acquired German citizenship by birth in Germany in accordance with Section 4 (3) of the Citizenship Act.
Declaration of commitment; submission
If you want to enable a foreign guest or several foreign guests to stay in Germany, you can undertake to pay for his or her living expenses.
Deprivation of liberty under the Family Law Procedure Act; application
In certain cases regulated by law, the court orders measures involving deprivation of liberty to protect public safety and order at the request of the competent administrative authority.
Driving license; application for the transfer of a foreign driving license
As the holder of a foreign driving license, you can obtain a German driving license more easily under certain conditions.
Duldung; application for issuance and extension
Foreigners who are required to leave the country and whose deportation has been temporarily suspended are tolerated. The foreigner is issued with a certificate of this, the so-called toleration.
Employment permit; application
If you are a foreigner in possession of a tolerated stay permit or are in an ongoing asylum procedure and would like to take up employment, you must apply for an employment permit from the foreigners authority responsible for you.
Entry permit; application
You can apply for an entry permit. This has the effect of temporarily suspending the entry and residence ban.
EU Blue Card; Application
The EU Blue Card can be applied for by non-EU nationals with an academic or equivalent level of qualification who intend to take up employment in Germany.
Latest news
Rennes (France)
Already described as the most dynamic city in France in the 1980s, Rennes impresses with its vibrant cultural life and beautiful old town. With an impressive research landscape and favorable conditions for technology start-ups, the city is preparing for the future.
Intercultural Cities Project (ICC)
Since 2016, we have been part of the Intercultural Cities (ICC) project - Europe's largest municipal integration network. After Berlin-Neukölln, we are the second German and the 100th European city to join the Council of Europe initiative.
Bolzano (Italy)
Bolzano is located in the heart of South Tyrol and is known as the "Gateway to the Dolomites". The town twinning has existed since 2018.
Financial support
At the Erlangen Youth Employment Agency, we can advise you on financial support options.
Rennes (France)
Already described as the most dynamic city in France in the 1980s, Rennes impresses with its vibrant cultural life and beautiful old town. With an impressive research landscape and favorable conditions for technology start-ups, the city is preparing for the future.
Intercultural Cities Project (ICC)
Since 2016, we have been part of the Intercultural Cities (ICC) project - Europe's largest municipal integration network. After Berlin-Neukölln, we are the second German and the 100th European city to join the Council of Europe initiative.
Bolzano (Italy)
Bolzano is located in the heart of South Tyrol and is known as the "Gateway to the Dolomites". The town twinning has existed since 2018.
Financial support
At the Erlangen Youth Employment Agency, we can advise you on financial support options.