Measures for activation and professional integration; applying for funding from the job center
If you receive basic security benefits, you can be supported by measures that make it easier for you to (re)enter the world of work.
Stand: 10.10.2023. Link zum BayernPortal
Online procedure
Jobcenter contact form
You can use this online application form to send a message to the Erlangen Jobcenter.
User-friendly and digital: simply fill out this online contact form directly via your internet browser. Whether you're on the move or at home.
The Jobcenter can promote measures to support you in your professional (re)integration and to improve your chances of integration in the labor market. The specific aim of these activation and professional integration measures is to
- to introduce you to the training and labor market and to identify, reduce or remove obstacles to your professional integration,
- to find you employment subject to compulsory insurance,
- to introduce you to self-employment or
- to stabilize your entry into employment.
You can take part in measures with a provider or an employer.
The Jobcenter can commission providers to carry out the measures and allocate you a place to participate.
However, you can also receive an activation and placement voucher from the Jobcenter to register with a provider of your choice. The voucher contains details of the aim and content of the measure, which will be discussed and agreed with you in advance.
The maximum possible duration of support depends on the objective of the measure and your individual support needs and is partly regulated by law. For example, measures can take place with an employer for a maximum of 6 weeks. If you are long-term unemployed or have particular barriers to placement, you can participate for up to 12 weeks.
The provision of vocational skills may not exceed 8 weeks. Longer qualifications or measures that lead to a vocational qualification can be funded for adults through the promotion of further vocational training (education voucher).
The Jobcenter will inform and advise you about offers and funding opportunities.
There is no legal entitlement to funding. Your Jobcenter will decide whether and to what extent you will receive support.
- You receive basic security benefits.
- The need for support was determined in a discussion with your integration specialist.
- Participation was approved by the Jobcenter before the start of the measure.
Funding for an activation and vocational integration measure must be approved by your job center before the measure begins.
- Please arrange a personal consultation appointment with the job center responsible for you.
- In a joint meeting, your integration specialist will discuss the necessary support requirements with you and advise you on the right type of measure.
- If the decision is positive, you will receive the approval documents with details of the type, aim, content of the measure, duration and scope of the measure and which costs will be covered.
- If your participation is not approved, you may have to bear the costs of the measure yourself.
- Required document/s
- Support declaration form
The need for support must be determined in consultation with your integration specialist.
Fee: none
Activating services / integration services
You can visit your personal contact person during open office hours without an appointment.
Open office hours:
Wednesday: 11:00 to 12:00
Monday to Thursday: 08:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 16:00
Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.