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Funding program "Grant for environmental education / ESD"

Stand: 17.07.2024

Allocation of funds to promote environmental education/education for sustainable development

Our funding priorities

The purpose of the grants is to promote environmental education/education for sustainable development (ESD) in Erlangen. Your project must comply with our funding guidelines (download here or send by post), pursue as innovative an approach as possible and include added value for our society, environment or nature.

Funding is available for projects and ongoing plans that are based on the guiding principle of sustainable development, serve to develop sustainability skills and environmental awareness and are suitable for improving the commitment of different target groups to ecologically and socially just development as well as providing impetus for future-oriented environmental and sustainability education.

We only fund projects with a focus on education for sustainable development (environmental education and global learning) that have an impact in the areas of people and nature. The principles of this funding are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations and the development of skills in accordance with the twelve ESD objectives.

Educational projects can include, for example

  • Environmental and climate protection
  • Nature conservation and landscape management
  • Protection and preservation of biodiversity
  • Preserving and promoting the diversity of ecosystems
  • Promotion of organic farming and animal welfare
  • Renewable energies and renewable raw materials
  • Recycling and upcycling, urban gardening
  • Water conservation
  • Global justice

We particularly value projects that take a four-pronged approach, combining cultural, social, ecological and economic aspects and incorporating global perspectives.

Please refrain from submitting an application if your project does not comply with the funding guidelines, is not an educational project for sustainability or does not match the content of our funding priority.

Application and proof of use

The application form was completely revised in 2023. This is due to the redesign of the application, the extension of funding to freelance environmental educators and the increase in funding.

In the download area you will find the application form and a form for the proof of use for download. If you are unable to download and/or print out the forms yourself, we will be happy to send them to you by post. You can fill out both forms digitally; the application only needs to be printed out for the signature.

You can send the scanned application either by uploading it securely via a Securecloud link, which we will be happy to provide on request. Alternatively, you can send it by email (not data-secure) or by post.

In future, it will also be possible to submit an application via an online form in the 2025 funding round.

The deadline for submitting an application is March 31 each year.

Data protection information

Here you will find the privacy policy relating to the processing of personal data in the context of this website, including the services offered there.

For more information on the processing of your personal data and your rights in this regard, you can contact us using the contact details provided at www.erlangen.de/dsgvo (privacy policy).

Here you will find many answers to any questions you may have about the promotion. If any questions remain unanswered, please contact us.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Dept. of Environmental Education


Schuhstraße 40
91052 Erlangen


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