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Referendum on the Stadt-Umland-Bahn

Stand: 28.05.2024

All those entitled to vote are expected to receive their voting notification at the beginning of May.

On June 9, the day of the European Parliament elections, the citizens of Erlangen will be able to vote on the construction of the Stadt-Umland-Bahn (StuB). This was decided by the city council on February 29. The referendum question reads:

"Are you in favor of the extension of the Nuremberg streetcar (Stadt-Umland-Bahn - StUB) through Erlangen city center to the train station and on to Herzogenaurach being built on the basis of the existing plans?"

At least 10 percent of those voting must be in favor of or against the project. All those entitled to vote are expected to receive their voting notification at the beginning of May. At the same time as the voting notification, citizens will be informed in writing about the subject and implementation of the referendum.

Exemplary participation process for the best possible route

Lord Mayor Florian Janik appealed to people to make use of their right to vote and to inform themselves. "Since the citizens gave us the task of planning the StUB by a large majority in a referendum, the best possible route has been worked out in an exemplary participation process. Comprehensive information is available on the overall project and all key sections of the route, which is necessary for this important decision."

All information on the referendum is available online at www.erlangen.de/entscheid.

(A short version is available in the city newspaper "Rathausplatz 1" - March 2024 issue)

Information on the referendum

Train travels through the countryside.

Referendum on urban-urban rail

Answers to important questions.