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Thanks for help from Erlangen

Stand: 28.05.2024

Support for the Ukrainian town of Browary. The main need there is currently in the container village.

At the end of his three-day inaugural visit on January 19, Mayor Ihor Saposchko from Browary received a donation of 1,500 euros at Marie Therese High School. This was the proceeds from the Christmas bazaar and already the second fundraising campaign by Marie Therese High School for the solidarity partner city in Ukraine. The student council had already collected 1,500 euros at the summer festival.

After signing the guest book with words of thanks to Erlangen, Lord Mayor Florian Janik welcomed his colleague for a discussion about further cooperation, particularly in the area of humanitarian aid, of course. The small delegation also visited the sewage treatment plant and the Siemens campus, learned about the work of the Ukraine meeting place and the FAU4UKRAINE initiative and explored the possibilities of youth and cultural exchange even in times of war.

Hope for help to expand a school and provide utility vehicles

In the city of 120,000 inhabitants, with more than 20,000 internally displaced persons, the main need at the moment is for the residential container village, which was set up with support from Erlangen. However, help is also hoped for with the expansion of a school and the provision of utility vehicles.

Anyone wishing to support the solidarity partnership with a donation can do so by bank transfer: Sparkasse Erlangen, IBAN DE46 7635 0000 0060 1284 03 - reference "Browary", recipient: City of Erlangen. The bank statement serves as proof of the donation for the tax office. Information on the solidarity partnership with Browary is available online at www.erlangen.de/browary.

Information on the solidarity partnership with Browary

Ukrainian flag.
Page, War, Ukraine, Refugees, Ukraine aid, Ukrainian, Ukrainian

Erlangen helps: Ukraine

Current information on the Ukraine crisis, help in Erlangen and support for refugees.

Town twinning

Area 1: Beşiktaş

Area 2: Bkeftine, Eskilstuna, Rennes, San Carlos, Shenzhen, Europe

Area 3: Browary, Brüx, Komotau, Bolzano, Cumiana, Jena, Riverside, Stoke-on-Trent, Umhausen, Vladimir, Venzone


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


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