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Change of ownership at the Altstadtmarkt

Stand: 25.02.2025

Schwarz Group company would like to develop the site further.

Die Altstadtmarktpassage A change of ownership has taken place at the Altstadtmarkt: According to the city of Erlangen, the companies of the Schwarz Group, which includes Kaufland, have acquired the site. Talks are currently underway between the city and the new owner regarding the redevelopment of the area.

Mayor Florian Janik is delighted: "There is still a long way to go before concrete plans can be made. And yet the change of ownership is good news. With the Schwarz Group companies, we finally have an experienced and reliable partner who wants to develop the site further. I am sure that this will provide further important impetus for a lively and attractive city center. The acquisition is also a commitment to the Kaufland location in the old town."

Photo: City of Erlangen Press Office cz

Unit II - Economy and Finance

Head of unit: Konrad Beugel


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91052 Erlangen


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