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Restrictions in Hartmannstrasse
Stand: 21.02.2025
From February 24, it can only be used as a one-way street into the city.
From Monday, February 24, there will be restrictions in Hartmannstraße out of town. Until probably Friday, April 18, Hartmannstraße
- between Thymianweg and Schenkstraße as well as
- in the Luise-Kiesselbach-Straße intersection
can only be used as a one-way street heading north (into town). Johann-Kalbstrasse and Sophienstrasse will be closed at the junctions with Hartmannstrasse. Work will be carried out there on the water pipe and a manhole will be demolished.
Photo: City of Erlangen Press Office cz
We build and renovate for you
Page, Building site, Building, Construction plan
Construction sites & closures
We build and renovate for you. All current construction sites and road closures in the city can be found here.
Page, Building site, Building, Construction plan
Construction sites & closures
We build and renovate for you. All current construction sites and road closures in the city can be found here.