Civil engineering worker on a construction site.

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Construction sites and closures in Erlangen

Around 120,000 people live in our city. In addition, there are several thousand professionals who come to work in Erlangen every day. They are all on the move every day - on their way to work, to university, to the shops, to the theater, to school. And they are on the move on foot, by bike, by motorcycle, by car, by bus. To ensure that everyone reaches their destination safely, the city council is improving and renewing the road network, including footpaths and cycle paths. The following interactive roadworks map shows the most important roadworks in the city area, such as main traffic routes.

Construction site map

Overview: roadworks, road closures, obstructions

FAQ - Answers to frequently asked questions

News about mobility

Image of parking spaces at Bohlenplatz
Parking, Parking lot, VEP 2030, stationary traffic, Loading zones, E-charging station, Parking garage, Accessibility, Sidewalk, Measures

Pilot project parking space concept Bohlenplatz

The city of Erlangen is planning to restructure the parking facilities at Bohlenplatz with a pilot project. The start of the pilot project, originally planned for the beginning of October 2024, has been postponed until the summer of 2025 (probably July).

Pedestrians in Erlangen
Sustainability, Mobility, Road safety, Walking

Pedestrian traffic concept

A pedestrian traffic concept is being drawn up for Erlangen to make walking safer and more attractive.


Building Supervisory Office - Central Plan Acceptance

This is where all incoming applications are received, recorded and checked for completeness. Building applications that have significant defects and therefore cannot be processed are returned to the applicant. It is no longer possible to submit plans to individual clerks. Only once the documents are complete will they be passed on to the relevant staff. This means that only then is it clear who will process "your" application.

Closure sign from February 24

Large parking lot: parking lot road closed, demolition begins

The demolition of the dilapidated parking garage at the large parking lot will begin on Monday, February 24. From then on, the parking lot road along the parking garage in the direction of Gerberei will also be closed. However, the large parking lot will remain accessible via Münchener Straße.

Climate awakening, Climate, Environment, Sustainability, Climate resolution, Climate change, Climate target, Climate emergency, Departure, Research, Climate awakening, Climate protection

Climate awakening

With Climate Awakening, Erlangen is on its way to climate neutrality. Find out which measures are to be implemented and what you can do personally here.

Parking lot sign.
Parking lot, Parking garage, Bicycle, Bicycles, park, Bicycle bracket, Bus travel, PUBLIC TRANSPORT, VGN, Erlangen municipal utilities, ESTW, Tickets, Means of transportation, Mobility, Public transportation, Car, Bus, Railroad

Parking in Erlangen

Since March 2024, charges in public parking spaces in the city center have been one euro for the first half hour. For each additional hour, the charge is 2.60 euros per hour. The fee for the large parking lot is 1.50 euros per hour. Parking fees are only due on working days.