Wichtiger Hinweis
Construction sites and closures in Erlangen
Around 120,000 people live in our city. In addition, there are several thousand professionals who come to work in Erlangen every day. They are all on the move every day - on their way to work, to university, to the shops, to the theater, to school. And they are on the move on foot, by bike, by motorcycle, by car, by bus. To ensure that everyone reaches their destination safely, the city council is improving and renewing the road network, including footpaths and cycle paths. The following interactive roadworks map shows the most important roadworks in the city area, such as main traffic routes.
Construction site map
Overview: roadworks, road closures, obstructions
Immerwahrstraße will be closed between the junctions of Cauerstraße and Martensstraße (private property) from June 13, 2024 until probably July 31, 2027. In addition to the roadway, the sidewalk in the work site area must also be closed. This is due to the need for a construction site installation area for the new Technical Chemistry construction project.
From Monday, January 20 (8:00 a.m.) to Friday, February 28 (2:00 p.m.), the Bierweg (cycle and service road) near Frauenaurach will be closed. The reason for this is the construction work for the highway expansion. The Aurachtal bridge (BW 378a) is being rebuilt there in two stages. The replacement construction of the second section, which carries the Nuremberg direction lane, is currently underway.
The drainage company of the city of Erlangen informs:
In accordance with the requirements of the Self-Monitoring Ordinance (EÜV), the current condition of the municipal sewers in the Dechsendorf district, among others, will be inspected by the company Baierle Kanalservice GmbH.
For this purpose, the sewers and manholes are cleaned in advance by a flushing vehicle from the company Karei and then inspected and scanned by a special camera. To clean and inspect the manholes and sewers, the vehicles (vans to trucks) have to drive right up to the manhole covers. As these are usually located on the roadway, it is unfortunately not always possible to rule out the possibility of minor traffic obstructions. However, we are endeavoring to keep obstructions to a minimum. We also try to reduce the inevitable emissions (noise, dust, odor) to a minimum. In individual cases, it may be necessary to postpone cleaning and inspection to the evening or night hours in order to prevent disruptions to local public transport and private transport.
We ask for your understanding in advance for any inconvenience caused, as this work is essential to ensure the functionality of the public sewer network.
Due to weather conditions, the work will continue until around March 2025.
Der Entwässerungsbetrieb der Stadt Erlangen informiert:
Im Bereich zwischen der Kreuzung Wilhelminenstraße / Drausnickstraße und der Drausnickstraße 132 werden im öffentlichen Straßenbereich Kanalbauarbeiten in offener Bauweise durchgeführt. Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich hierbei um die Parallelstraße zur Drausnickstraße mit selbigem Namen handelt und nicht um die Hauptverkehrsstraße.
Baubeginn: Mitte Februar 2025
Bauende: ca. Juni 2025
- Auswechslung dreier Schachtbauwerke
- ca. 80 m Ausbau und Entsorgung Mischwasserkanals DN 400
- ca. 80 m Verlegung eines neuen Mischwasserkanals DN 600
Im Vorgriff der Arbeiten finden ab Anfang Februar 2025 Baumrückschnittarbeiten im Abschnitt zw. der Drausnickstraße 126 – 134 und Umverlegungsarbeiten von Gas- und Wasserleitungen im Kreuzungsbereich Wilhelminenstraße / Drausnickstraße statt.
Der Entwässerungsbetrieb der Stadt Erlangen, als auch die ausführende Firma sind sehr bemüht, das Projekt so reibungslos, zügig und professionell wie möglich abzuwickeln. Unser Ziel ist es Behinderungen und Einschränkungen zu jedem Zeitpunkt so gering wie möglich zu halten. Leider lässt es sich aufgrund des Umfangs und der Komplexität nicht vermeiden, dass es an der ein oder anderen Stelle kurzzeitig zu zulässigen Immissionen und punktuellen Einschränkungen kommen kann.
Detailinformationen zur Verkehrsführung finden Sie gesondert unter diesem Schreiben als PDF-Dateien zum Abrufen.
The drainage company of the city of Erlangen informs:
In accordance with the requirements of the Self-Monitoring Ordinance (EÜV), the current condition of the municipal sewers in the Eltersdorf district, among others, will be inspected by the company Baierle Kanalservice GmbH.
For this purpose, the sewers and manholes are cleaned in advance by a Karei flushing vehicle and then inspected and scanned by a special camera. To clean and inspect the manholes and sewers, the vehicles (vans to trucks) have to drive right up to the manhole covers. As these are usually located on the roadway, it is unfortunately not always possible to rule out the possibility of minor traffic obstructions. However, we are endeavoring to keep obstructions to a minimum. We also try to reduce the inevitable emissions (noise, dust, odor) to a minimum. In individual cases, it may be necessary to postpone cleaning and inspection to the evening or night hours in order to prevent disruptions to local public transport and private transport.
We ask for your understanding in advance for any inconvenience caused, as this work is essential to ensure the functionality of the public sewer network.
Due to weather conditions, the work will continue until around March 2025.
General information on the construction project:
New construction of RÜB 11510 with Eltersdorf pumping station:
The planned construction period is until August 2027.
Traffic routing:
Access to the construction site will be via Konrad-Haußner-Straße, which will be widened in one section for this purpose. The nearby playground will be fenced off from the road with construction fences to minimize potential hazards from construction traffic.
For a better overview, a corresponding site plan is enclosed.
The reason for implementing the measure "New construction of stormwater overflow basin 11510 with pumping station" is a water law requirement to reduce water pollution by significantly increasing the storage volume. The rainwater overflow basin is intended to temporarily store most of the combined wastewater from Eltersdorf during major rainfall events so that it can then be throttled and passed on to the Erlangen sewage treatment plant. The new construction is intended to reduce the environmental impact on the watercourse/Regnitz.
The new building will be constructed in two phases.
To ensure smooth operation, the northern half of the basin (approx. 1700 m³) and the new pumping station will be constructed and put into operation first. The old basin can then be dismantled and the area thus freed up can be used for the construction of the southern half of the basin (2nd construction phase), with a further approx. 1,700 m³.
Once the measure has been completed and the green space cleared, the areas used will be ecologically enhanced by developing areas of sandy grassland or fringes of perennials in the area of the covered basin chambers and planting new shrubs in accordance with the accompanying landscape conservation plan.
There will be minor closures in sections of Fünfkirchener Straße in Frauenaurach until the end of March 2025. Reason: Sewer manhole renovations are taking place between Agnes-Sapper- and Bernauer Straße. Detour are signposted in each case.
Gabelsbergerstraße between the junctions of Gebbert- and Werner-von-Siemens-Straße at the level of properties no. 20 to 22 will have to be closed from Monday, July 8 until probably October 31, 2025 in order to set up a construction site area. The one-way traffic regulation in Gabelsbergerstraße will be lifted accordingly during this time, so that access to the private properties or garages of the respective residents is guaranteed at all times. Pedestrians can pass the work site at any time during the work via the northern side of the sidewalk.
The civil engineering department of the city of Erlangen informs:
In Gebbertstraße between Schenkstraße and Henkestraße, work is being carried out on the district heating supply and the road surface is being renewed in a joint project with Erlanger Stadtwerke AG. As part of this measure, a crossing aid will be installed at Hofmannstrasse.
Start of construction: May 05, 2025
End of construction: expectedSeptember 15, 2025
During the construction work, Gebbertstraße between Schenkstraße and Henkestraße must be completely closed to through traffic. Detour for through traffic will be signposted. In the immediate construction site areas, access for residents is also only possible to a limited extent via the side streets.
The construction area with the individual construction site areas can be seen on the site plan.
Bus services will also be diverted. Current information on the routes of the city bus lines can be found on the homepage of Erlanger Stadtwerke AG at www.estw.de/aktuelles-umleitungen and on site via notices at the affected bus stops.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely avoid disruptions caused by the roadworks, but we aim to keep these to an unavoidable minimum. The work will be carried out as quickly and efficiently as possible. We would like to thank you in advance for your understanding.
The narrowing of the district road ERH3 or city road ER1 between Haundorf and Häusling will remain in place until the end of August 2025. The A3 Nordbayern GmbH & Co KG announced that it was planned to remain in place until the end of October 2024. The reason for this is the work to rebuild the bridge structure as part of the highway expansion.
Hänflingweg in Alterlangen will be closed from Monday, February 3 until probably Monday, March 10. Reason: a crane is being erected at house number 6.
As part of the construction of the new Kriegenbrunn lock, the service roads on the Main-Danube Canal are closed at the level of the lock. The paths are expected to be unavailable until April 2032. Cycle traffic in particular will therefore be diverted via an east and west route between Frauenaurach and Hüttendorf and on the east side from Fürth-Vach. More information is available on the Internet at www.schleuse-kriegenbrunn.wsv
The street Im Gäßla in Tennenlohe will be closed until Friday, March 21. The reason for this is to repair a burst pipe.
Kuttlerstraße between Hautpstraße and Westliche Stadtmauerstraße will be closed from Monday, February 3, until probably Friday, February 28. The reason for this is the laying of new pipes.
Mozartstraße will be closed from Monday, November 11 until probably April 30, 2025. This affects the area between house number 61 and the junction with Hartmannstraße. The reason for the closure is a new district heating system.
Nürnberger Straße between Werner-von-Siemens-Straße and the Hilpert-/Schenkstraße junction will be a one-way street from north to south (out of town) from Monday, January 20 until probably the end of April. The northbound carriageway is closed. Traffic heading towards the city center will be diverted via Gebbertstraße. Bus traffic will be diverted. Both directions remain open for pedestrians and cyclists. The reason for the closure is extensive sewer shaft renovation work.
The civil engineering department of the city of Erlangen informs:
Sections of the sidewalk in Oppelner Straße and Ratiborer Straße are being renovated.
Start of construction: 24.01.2025
End of construction: expected 28.02.2025
During this construction phase, the road will be closed on one side, which may lead to restrictions for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely avoid obstructions caused by the construction site. However, our aim is to keep these disruptions to an absolute minimum. The perimeter of the construction work can be seen on the site plan.
We would like to thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
The drainage company of the city of Erlangen informs:
In accordance with the requirements of the Self-Monitoring Ordinance (EÜV), the municipal sewers in the districts of Dechsendorf and Eltersdorf are being inspected by the company Baierle Kanalservice GmbH to determine their current condition.
For this purpose, the sewers and manholes are cleaned in advance by a Karei flushing vehicle and then inspected and scanned by a special camera. To clean and inspect the manholes and sewers, the vehicles (vans to trucks) have to drive right up to the manhole covers. As these are usually located on the roadway, it is unfortunately not always possible to rule out the possibility of minor traffic obstructions. However, we are endeavoring to keep obstructions to a minimum. We also try to reduce the inevitable emissions (noise, dust, odor) to a minimum. In individual cases, it may be necessary to postpone cleaning and inspection to the evening or night hours in order to prevent disruptions to local public transport and private transport.
We ask for your understanding in advance for any inconvenience caused, as this work is essential to ensure the functionality of the public sewer network.
Due to weather conditions, the work will continue until around March 2025.
Between Mittlere Schulstrasse and Pfarrstrasse (at house number 10), Schulstrasse will be closed until March 31. The closure was originally planned until December 20.
Closure extended: One side of Sieboldstraße will be closed between Beethovenstraße and Mozartstraße until June 30th. Due to a construction site installation area, traffic will be routed from south to north on a one-way street. A detour is also signposted.
Der Entwässerungsbetrieb der Stadt Erlangen baut für Sie:
In der Fünfkirchener, Tolnaer Straße in Frauenaurach, der Löwenichstraße, Luitpoldstraße, Nürnberger Straße, Palmsanlage, Schillerstraße, Werner-von-Siemens-Straße und Ginsterweg in der Innenstadt und in der Willstraße am Burgberg werden im öffentlichen Straßenbereich insgesamt 24 Revisionsschächte in offener Bauweise ausgewechselt.
Baubeginn: 04.11.2024
Bauende: Ende Dezember 2025
Die genaue Lage der auszuwechselnden Revisionsschächte sowie Detailinformationen zur Verkehrsführung können den nachstehenden Planunterlagen entnommen werden.
Um die Einschränkungen für Sie als Anlieger in den einzelnen Straßenabschnitten so gering wie möglich zu halten werden die Arbeiten abschnittsweise ausgeführt. Dennoch ist es jedoch erforderlich, die Straßenbereiche über die jeweilige Bauzeit teilweise bzw. voll zu sperren. Es kann daher während der Bauzeit und in den betroffenen Umleitungsstraßen zu Verkehrsbehinderungen kommen. Der Anliegerverkehr wird berücksichtigt und aufrechterhalten.
Umfang: 24 Stk Abbruch Schachtbauwerke DN 800
24 Stk Neubau Schachtbauwerk DN 1000 / DN 1200 / DN1500 / DN 2000
Unmittelbar betroffene Anwohner werden zudem durch den Entwässerungsbetrieb der Stadt Erlangen gesondert in Form eines Wurfblattes informiert. Bei Fragen zur Maßnahme steht Ihnen der zuständige Sachbearbeiter des Entwässerungsbetriebs der Stadt Erlangen unter der Telefonnummer: 09131 / 86-2691 zur Verfügung. Zudem steht Ihnen ebenfalls die bauausführende Firma für Rückfragen vor Ort gerne zur Verfügung.
Der Entwässerungsbetrieb der Stadt Erlangen, als auch die ausführende Firma sind sehr bemüht, das Projekt so reibungslos, zügig und professionell wie möglich abzuwickeln. Unser Ziel ist es Behinderungen und Einschränkungen zu jedem Zeitpunkt so gering wie möglich zu halten. Leider lässt es sich aufgrund des Umfangs und der Komplexität nicht vermeiden, dass es an der ein oder anderen Stelle kurzzeitig zu zulässigen Immissionen und punktuellen Einschränkungen kommen kann.
Starenweg in Alterlangen will be closed from Monday, November 11, 2024, until probably the end of March 2025. Erlanger Stadtwerke is carrying out repair work on the water pipe there. Various sections of the area between Nachtigallenweg and Dompfaffstraße are affected.
FAQ - Answers to frequently asked questions
Erlangen has a road network of around 460 kilometers. Due to the high traffic load and the poor condition of some of the roads, construction measures are necessary for maintenance. In addition, there are modernization measures or new installations "under the road". For example, changes are made to the sewer network or the electricity and water supply lines as well as in the telecommunications sector as required.
The construction sites are coordinated in advance so that there are as few restrictions as possible for road users. Municipal departments, emergency services, the fire department and bus companies are involved in this process. This ensures that rescue assistance is guaranteed at all times in emergency situations. School route safety and the detour of non-urban traffic must also be taken into account when coordinating roadworks so that a good compromise is found for everyone involved.
There can be various reasons why work on a construction site is interrupted or not continued. Examples include bad weather or the cooling of the freshly applied asphalt.
Sometimes unforeseeable challenges arise in the course of construction work. For example: damage to the sewer network, cavities in the subsoil, non-load-bearing soils - clear need for action. This unforeseeable work takes time that was not taken into account and thus leads to an extension of the construction period. Bad weather can also cause a delay.
The city of Erlangen is responsible for many construction measures and supervises or coordinates them. However, Deutsche Bahn AG, the Autobahndirektion Nordbayern and various utility companies also carry out construction work. As soon as a construction site has an impact on road traffic, the city of Erlangen is responsible. The respective construction company or private individuals then require a permit. This is issued by the road traffic authority of the city of Erlangen.
Be mobile and more
News about mobility
Gebbertstraße: work on district heating and new road surface
In the course of the construction work, there may be various adjustments to traffic routing and closures.
Parking in Erlangen
Since March 2024, charges in public parking spaces in the city center have been one euro for the first half hour. For each additional hour, the charge is 2.60 euros per hour. The fee for the large parking lot is 1.50 euros per hour. Parking fees are only due on working days.
Demolition of the old parking garage at the large parking lot
On Monday, February 24, demolition work will begin on the dilapidated multi-storey parking lot at the large parking lot in Parkplatzstraße. The aim is to create 255 regular parking spaces and four barrier-free parking spaces at this location by the fall - exactly as many as could last be used in the parking garage.
Application for a construction site
For all work in public traffic areas, a traffic law order for traffic regulation measures, e.g. for work in the road area (such as signage to secure a construction site) must be applied for in accordance with Section 45 (1 & 2) of the Road Traffic Regulations (StVO).
We are building the StUB
As a sustainable and efficient transport alternative, the Stadt-Umland-Bahn (StUB) is to connect the cities of Nuremberg, Erlangen and Herzogenaurach and also the communities to the east of Erlangen.
Change to the municipal boundary at Tennenlohe
Shifting the city boundary essentially serves to simplify administrative procedures for the construction of facilities for the Stadt-Umland-Bahn.
Gebbertstraße: work on district heating and new road surface
In the course of the construction work, there may be various adjustments to traffic routing and closures.
Parking in Erlangen
Since March 2024, charges in public parking spaces in the city center have been one euro for the first half hour. For each additional hour, the charge is 2.60 euros per hour. The fee for the large parking lot is 1.50 euros per hour. Parking fees are only due on working days.
Demolition of the old parking garage at the large parking lot
On Monday, February 24, demolition work will begin on the dilapidated multi-storey parking lot at the large parking lot in Parkplatzstraße. The aim is to create 255 regular parking spaces and four barrier-free parking spaces at this location by the fall - exactly as many as could last be used in the parking garage.
Application for a construction site
For all work in public traffic areas, a traffic law order for traffic regulation measures, e.g. for work in the road area (such as signage to secure a construction site) must be applied for in accordance with Section 45 (1 & 2) of the Road Traffic Regulations (StVO).
We are building the StUB
As a sustainable and efficient transport alternative, the Stadt-Umland-Bahn (StUB) is to connect the cities of Nuremberg, Erlangen and Herzogenaurach and also the communities to the east of Erlangen.
Change to the municipal boundary at Tennenlohe
Shifting the city boundary essentially serves to simplify administrative procedures for the construction of facilities for the Stadt-Umland-Bahn.