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Erlangen dances! - Summer feelings in the old town

Stand: 05.07.2024

A colorful dance program to join in, watch, feel and sense under the open summer sky.

The open-air dance floor on the square behind the Markgrafentheater goes into the next round in 2043. From 01.08.2024, the dance floor will once again be open to all dance enthusiasts. Taster courses, free dancing and workshops will take place regularly from Thursday to Sunday until 25.08.2024. Anyone who wants to dance in the open air can take part. The city has once again secured two renowned Erlangen dance schools, the Rupprecht Gillet dance school and Tanzstudio Geist, to coordinate the dance program.

Erlangen tanzt! was created as part of the WerkRaum Erlangen project. The square behind the theater was transformed into an open-air dance floor for four weeks for the first time in summer 2022.
With the WerkRaum Erlangen project, the city of Erlangen launched an initiative to revitalize the city centre in summer 2021. The aim is to make Erlangen's city center more attractive and liveable for everyone. The project is supported by funding from the "Inner City Revitalization" special fund of the Free State of Bavaria.

Further information on the detailed program of Erlangen tanzt! and all the partners involved can be found here.

City center, Workroom, Retail trade, Gastronomy

WerkRaum Erlangen project: Thinking differently about the city center

WerkRaum Erlangen was launched in summer 2021 as a dialog process to revitalize the city centre. We have already implemented some creative ideas. Visitors and residents can look forward to them.