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WerkRaum Erlangen project: Thinking differently about the city center

Stand: 28.05.2024

WerkRaum Erlangen was launched in summer 2021 as a dialog process to revitalize the city centre. We have already implemented some creative ideas. Visitors and residents can look forward to them.

Together with the urban planners from Stadt+Handel, we explored new ways to set fresh accents in the city center in 2022. We entered into an intensive exchange with many city center stakeholders. Our common goal: to bring more quality of life, more greenery and, above all, more life to Erlangen's old town and city center. Our aim is to move quickly from thinking to doing.

We have implemented some good ideas. Everyone involved was extremely willing to look at the city center with new or different eyes and provide important impetus. Two very successful city-center walks in spring 2022 provided a good initial insight into the opportunities that Erlangen's city center offers with its squares and places to linger and experience.

In 2023, successful projects such as the open-air dance floor in the Theaterhof returned. The red-brown chairs once again adorned Neustädter Kirchenplatz from March to November. But new projects are also in the pipeline.

Would you like to think ahead with us in the city center? Your ideas are welcome! Just send us an e-mail.


Successfully implemented ideas from WerkRaum 2022