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ErlangenPass is still in high demand

Stand: 03.03.2025

The ErlangenPass was issued a total of 7,265 times last year.nA total of 7,265 times the ErlangenPass was issued last year. 5,675 people extended their ErlangenPass in 2024. 1,589 people applied for it for the first time.

Due to changes in the law, significantly more people are entitled to housing benefit and child supplement and therefore also to the ErlangenPass. The proportion of people receiving youth welfare benefits has also risen significantly. Since last year, it has also been possible to apply for the ErlangenPass if you have an income that is only slightly above the relevant income limits for social benefits. The number of refugees who have an ErlangenPass has fallen sharply compared to the previous year by almost 800 people to 438. One of the reasons for this is the declining number of refugees in 2024

Wide range of offers

The wide range of services offered by the ErlangenPass remains intact, even in the city's difficult budget situation. A total of 124 cooperation partners currently offer discounts with the ErlangenPass. When adjusting fees, the municipal departments will continue to reduce admission prices for ErlangenPass holders by at least 50 percent. Admission to the City Museum and Kunstpalais as well as the City Library's reading pass are even free of charge. However, the subsidy for the Deutschlandticket had to be reduced at the beginning of the year. It can now be purchased 20 euros cheaper for 38 euros per month. The "Taxi vouchers for ErlangenPass holders aged 60 and over" project initiated in 2020 has also been discontinued. The project was intended to make it easier for the target group to travel to the vaccination center and medical care without the risk of infection during the coronavirus pandemic.

More info

Page, Erlangen Pass, Erlangen Pass discount, Erlangen Pass, Erlangen-Pass-Plus, ErlangenPassPlus


You can experience a lot in Erlangen: in the theater, at concerts or at sports events. We want everyone in our city to be able to take part in these activities. That's why we have the ErlangenPass. You can get the ErlangenPass if you receive social benefits or are doing voluntary service. If you do not meet these requirements but have little money at your disposal, you can also apply for the ErlangenPass by means of a calculation.