Wichtiger Hinweis
Erlangen cultural dialogs
Stand: 28.05.2024
The Cultural Department invites you to a public discourse on cultural policy.
The Erlangen Cultural Dialogues are a public cultural policy discourse hosted by the Department of Culture. Together with citizens, cultural workers, cultural associations and representatives from local politics, the future of culture in Erlangen can be discussed here. At the same time, the Erlangen Cultural Dialogues are a platform for mutual exchange and the development of possible networks and collaborations.
The cultural dialogs have been taking place since 2003, initially annually and later every two or three years.
For further information, please contact the Cultural Office of the City of Erlangen.
Further information on past cultural dialogues since 2003
These cultural dialogues focus on the cultural policy guidelines for Erlangen, which the City of Erlangen's cultural department has developed in a joint process. After the humorous presentation of the guiding principles by Rainer Hertwig (Digital Cultural Management), Prof. Dr. Martin Zierold (Head of the Institute for Cultural and Media Management at the Hamburg University of Music and Theatre) will provide a framework for the following rounds of discussions with a video presentation in which he will report on the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the various cultural stakeholders.
Individual aspects of the cultural policy guidelines will now be picked out and discussed in greater depth in discussion rounds.
The discussion rounds are:
- Barriers
- Climate as a cultural dimension
- Art and cultural spaces
The final round will take place at ZAM, the Center for Exchange and Making. Anke Steinert-Neuwirth, Head of Cultural Affairs, will learn about the results of the discussions and include the impulses in her agenda.
The invitation flyer for the day can be requested digitally from the Cultural Office of the City of Erlangen.
The thesis "Culture needs intellectual and urban spaces to be able to unfold" (Thomas Kaestle in his keynote speech) raises questions: What intellectual and urban spaces, what undefined design possibilities are there in Erlangen? Are creative artistic processes possible within the social and spatial framework conditions?
Martina Dorsch and Jasmin Schubert report on 60 days of Art in Action - the temporary studio house Studio b11.
The topic will be explored in depth in three so-called thinking spaces:
- Where I like it - together the group explores a small area in the city center, defines non-places and asks itself where it is beautiful and why and where it could be more beautiful ...
- Old town and future Museumskarree 20xx: Detached from the constraints of concrete construction activities, the group asks itself the question: What must a museum square in the city center radiate so that we want to visit it frequently?
- (Open) spaces in the city districts: The group deals with the conditions for art and culture in the city districts and the existing framework conditions.
Anke Steinert-Neuwirth, Head of Education, Culture and Youth, is pleased about the many impulses on the topic of (open) spaces provided by the event.
The invitation flyer for the day can be requested digitally from the City of Erlangen's Department of Culture.
The aim of this Erlangen cultural dialog was to take an unusual look at public space. What role do art and culture play in the use of public space? Do art and culture in public space expand our thinking, are processes set in motion in the assessment of public space - and: What is the artist actually trying to tell us? Can art "activate" and enrich a place?
With two keynote speeches by Regina Pemsl and Anja Schoeller (forum 007 - Zukunftsagent*innen) and Hans Hemmert (artist group inges idee), the participants of the Cultural Dialogues approached the topic in theory and on site in practice.
Anne Reimann, Head of the Department of Culture, will lead through the day.
During her time in office, Anke Steinert-Neuwirth, Head of Culture, Education and Youth, has focused on public space as an artistic and cultural space. She will incorporate the results of the day into her future work.
The invitation flyer for the day can be requested digitally from the City of Erlangen's Cultural Office.
130 participants accepted the invitation and were highly motivated, at the latest after the presentation by journalist and author Mark Terkessidis, to engage intensively with the further development of local cultural offerings as part of the "World Café".
Against the backdrop of a city that is now home to people from 140 nations and where every fourth citizen of Erlangen has a history of migration in their own family, the discussion focused on whether the cultural offerings that are created still reflect the diverse composition of the city's society. This also raised questions about possible mechanisms of exclusion in the cultural sector or a lack of multi-perspectivity.
The recommendations for action, which represent the results of the conference, can be requested from the City of Erlangen's Department of Culture at .
The cultural infrastructure - in its structural form - not only shapes the life of a city, it also says something about the vibrancy of the community and the possibilities and limits of the development of the creative potential of artists and cultural workers. Cultural spaces are places of encounter and communication, they are open spaces and places of experimentation, they are places where ideas for art and culture begin and develop. The topic of cultural spaces concerns all cultural disciplines: music, dance, theater, visual arts, etc. Different artistic and cultural content goes hand in hand with different spatial requirements and social changes are also reflected in spaces.
- Prof. Dr. Oliver Scheytt, President of the Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft, will speak about the importance of cultural infrastructure in municipalities.
- Dr. Dieter Rossmeissl, Head of Cultural Affairs for the City of Erlangen, will shed light on the local situation under the title "Between Palais and Redevelopment Case?
- In a panel discussion, cultural professionals and cultural administrators from Erlangen will outline their vision of cultural spaces in Erlangen 2020.
The head of the cultural project office, Anke Steinert-Neuwirth, will lead through the day and feed the results into the actions of the cultural department.
The invitation flyer for the day can be requested digitally from the City of Erlangen's Department of Culture.
In lectures and discussions with experts from the field of cultural education, the KS:ER Practice Day will focus on the prerequisites and conditions for the success of cooperation projects between educational institutions and cultural professionals.
- Tom Biburger (Institut für Angewandte Kulturelle Bildung, Munich) and Andrea Oestreicher (teacher at the Hauptschule an der Peslmüllerstraße, Munich) will report on the effects of a theater project on pupils.
- Frank Fleischmann (Institut für innovative Bildung e. V., Bamberg) will talk about quality standards and the possibilities of providing feedback on the results of cultural education projects.
- Experience reports from Erlangen schools and a playroom will provide insights into everyday practice, the development and implementation of cultural education projects and various opportunities for cooperation.
- A panel discussion on the topic of "Culture at school - (not) a matter of course?", moderated by cultural and educational consultant
Dr. Dieter Rossmeissl will add further aspects to the day. - The KS:ER Innovation Prize of Sparkasse Erlangen for "outstanding cultural education projects" will be awarded after the practical day.
Anke Steinert-Neuwirth, Head of the Cultural Project Office of the City of Erlangen, will lead through the day.
The invitation flyer for the day can be requested digitally from the Cultural Office of the City of Erlangen.
After a welcoming address by Dr. Dieter Rossmeissl, Head of Cultural Affairs, Dr. Thomas Röbke, Managing Director of the State Network for Civic Engagement, will speak on the topic of "Civic Engagement - an old and new potential for culture".
In two discussion rounds, members of cultural associations will explain the situation on the ground (Brucker Gaßhenker e. V., Erlanger Tanzhaus e. V., ARENA e. V., Das Lamm muss laufen e. V., Freundeskreis Erlanger Altstadt e. V., Stadtverband der Erlanger Kulturvereine e. V.).
The subsequent working groups deal with aspects such as
- New blood, new members, "club bureaucracy"?
- Forms of cooperation between associations and municipal cultural institutions
- Promotion of civic engagement
- Support associations as "pressure groups" for cultural life in our city?
Anke Steinert-Neuwirth, head of the cultural project office, will moderate the day, present the results and link them to the cultural policy of the city of Erlangen.
The invitation flyer for the day can be requested digitally from the City of Erlangen's Cultural Office.
This year's Cultural Dialogues are dedicated to the visual arts. The lecture "Adoration, rebellion or applause. On historical and contemporary art in public space" by Prof. Dr. Johannes Kirschenmann, AdBK Munich, will introduce the topic. In two discussion rounds, Klaus von Gaffron, Barbara Leicht, Martina Sutter-Kress, Christof Präg, Petra von Stromberg-Zapfe and Matthias Schlitt will discuss the situation in Erlangen with the Head of Cultural Affairs.
Individual aspects will be discussed in depth in four moderated working groups:
- General conditions for artists
- Is art a value in itself? Or a tourism and marketing factor?
- Desired images. Erlangen's urban space as an art space
- Vision "Kunstraum Erlangen" 2020?
Cultural development planner Anke Steinert-Neuwirth will moderate the day. She will make connections to past cultural dialogs and link the results of the cultural dialogs with the work of the cultural department.
The invitation flyer for the day can be requested digitally from the City of Erlangen's Department of Culture.
In his welcoming address, Dr. Dieter Rossmeissl, Head of Cultural Affairs for the City of Erlangen, will draw a line from the new movements in the school landscape to cultural education as a human right. His thesis is that there is (should be) no cultural mission without an educational mission.
Prof. Dr. Eckart Liebau (Institute of Education, FAU) will talk about "cultural learning" - with a small l. He will touch on the history of cultural education, its content and the task of education to find new approaches. He sees the city as a space for cultural practice and cultural learning.
In the subsequent panel discussion, the participants will attempt to determine where Erlangen stands in terms of cultural education. This will then be explored in greater depth in the working groups:
- Artists in schools and daycare centers!
- Cultural venues as places of learning
- Family and neighborhood as cultural places of learning
- Cultural learning in associations
At the end, cultural development planner Anke Steinert-Neuwirth presented the results.
The invitation flyer for the day can be requested digitally from the Cultural Office of the City of Erlangen.
Dr. Susanne Keuchel will give the introductory lecture on the topic "Audiences of tomorrow". She provides statistics on the use of culture and the attitudes of German citizens towards cultural issues (mainly from the Youth Culture Barometer).
In the following panel discussion, the figures will be broken down to Erlangen - the head of cultural affairs, Dr. Dieter Rossmeissl, will ask the panel participants about observations, trends and challenges for Erlangen's future.
In moderated working groups, individual aspects will be discussed in greater depth:
- "What's going on today?" - Young people as a cultural audience
- Art and culture really "for everyone?" - The cultural audience of migrants
- "We are becoming more and more!" - Cultural audience generation 50+
- Attracting an audience! Marketing and locations?
At the end, Anke Steinert-Neuwirth (cultural development planner) will present the results of the working groups and explain how these will be incorporated into the work of the cultural department.
The invitation flyer for the day can be requested digitally from the City of Erlangen's Department of Culture.
In times of a tense financial situation, Dr. Dieter Rossmeissl, Head of Cultural Affairs for the City of Erlangen, proclaims "Culture as a mandatory task of a municipality!"
The subsequent panel discussion is dedicated to the question of how much culture a city actually needs. Under the moderation of Uli Glaser, KuPoGe, this question will be posed by
- Birgitt Aßmus, cultural policy spokesperson for the CSU parliamentary group
- Ursula Lanig, cultural policy spokesperson for the SPD parliamentary group
- Renate Doeblin, Managing Director of the Erlangen IHK Committee
- Dean Dr. Gerhard Münderlein, Evangelical Lutheran Deanery Erlangen
- Prof. Dr. Michael von Engelhardt, FAU, Institute for Sociology
Five working groups will now focus on individual aspects of cultural life in Erlangen:
- Culture is when people still play: Classical and popular music in Erlangen facing old and new challenges?
- Full house! Theater ERleben
- Cultural activities for children and young people in Erlangen
- A city reads and listens: Literature ERleben
- Ideas workshop: Space for new accents - Erlangen has never had that before!
The results of the working groups will be incorporated into the city's cultural development planning.
The invitation flyer for the day can be requested digitally from the City of Erlangen's Cultural Office.
The fundamental question, "Why talk about culture - why platforms for dialogues?" will be raised by Dr. Dieter Rossmeissl, Head of Cultural Affairs for the City of Erlangen.
Dr. Oliver Scheytt, Head of Cultural Affairs of the City of Essen and Chairman of the Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft, is a guest speaker. His presentation "The path to the goals - the cultural policy guidelines of the city of Essen" will provide an insight into Essen's cultural development planning.
Topics from Erlangen's cultural landscape will now be identified and discussed in five working groups:
- Erlangen and its cultural highlight events
- What has remained - the sustainability of the anniversary year
- Focal points in our city: art and temporary art projects in public spaces
- Museums, exhibitions, galleries, fine arts: what attracts Erlangen residents to art and what attracts people from outside Erlangen to Erlangen?
- Cultural work in cultural associations
The results of the working groups will be incorporated into the city's cultural development planning.
The invitation flyer for the day can be requested digitally from the City of Erlangen's Cultural Office.
Cultural Office
Under the umbrella of the Department of Culture are
- the major festivals (Erlangen International Comic Salon, international figuren.theater.festival, Erlangen Poetry Festival)
- the Department of Fine Arts, Kunstpalais and Municipal Collection
- the Singing and Music School
- the Youth Art School / the Children's Culture Office
The Cultural Office is also responsible for the management of the Erlangen Art Commission .
You can find more information on the websites:
- Kunstpalais
- JuKS Youth Art School
- Children's Culture Office
- Singing and music school
- Erlangen International Comic Salon
- international figures.theater.festival
- Erlangen Poetry Festival
Head of the Cultural Office: Anne Reimann