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Trip to Jena on October 3, 2024

Stand: 27.06.2024

This year, the city of Erlangen is once again organizing a day trip with coaches to our twin city of Jena on 3 October to celebrate the Day of German Unity together.

As every year, Jena and Erlangen are celebrating the Day of German Unity together again. You can register now for the day trip.

Departure is at 7.30 a.m. from Erlangen bus station. The trip does not include a stopover. All buses are equipped with WC.

After refreshments, the program in Jena includes an official welcome with a musical and dance program in the Volkshaus. Linda Teuteberg (Member of the German Bundestag) will give the keynote speech. After the ceremony, there will be plenty of time for your own activities, such as taking part in a free city tour, the now legendary pub quiz with "BigKev" or the vernissage of an exhibition by the Plus Group of the Erlangen Art Association with a concert by the Erlangen and Jena music schools, or simply for a get-together with friends and acquaintances.

After an ecumenical service in the town church, we will once again be invited to sing farewell songs together before setting off on our journey home at around 6.30 pm.

The tour price of €25 (incl. 19% VAT ) includes the coach trip, a welcome snack in Jena, the free activities on site and a small snack for the journey home.

Theregistration deadline is Monday, September 16, subject to availability.

Places will be allocated on receipt of registration and timely payment of the travel fee of €25 per person.

Forregistration and further information, please call 09131/86-1321 or 86-1345 or send an e-mail to


Subject: Trip to Jena on October 3