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Financial support
Stand: 20.02.2025
At the Erlangen Youth Employment Agency, we can advise you on financial support options.
- Do you need money for housing, utilities and food?
- You no longer live with your parents or have to move out?
- Do you have debts and don't know what to do? Or would you like to know if there is suitable financial help for you?
Find out for yourself:
Citizen ' s allowance
If you don't have enough money to cover your own essential living expenses, you can apply for citizen's allowance.
Vocational training allowance (BAB)
If you are planning an apprenticeship, you want to stand on your own two feet - also financially. Under certain conditions, the Federal Employment Agency (BA) will support you with a grant.
Student BAföG
Your school education can receive individual financial support as long as the funds required for living expenses and education are not otherwise available.