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Franconian International School

Stand: 28.05.2024

International private school. Students complete their 12-year education with the International Baccalaureate Diploma. The diploma is recognized as an Abitur under certain conditions. The FIS diploma is offered in parallel.

About the school

The idea

The Nuremberg metropolitan region is home to many internationally active companies and groups. They employ numerous foreign specialists and managers. This economic area therefore needs a school like the Franconian International School (FIS) with an international philosophy to meet the needs of young families in a foreign country. German children, who for various reasons need to be educated in a multicultural environment, also find their place here.

The Franconian International School in Erlangen opened its doors in September 2008. After 10 years in Herzogenaurach, a new location was found in Röthelheimpark on an area of over three hectares. FIS has a kindergarten (ages 3-5), the elementary school (grades 1-5) as well as a middle and high school (grades 6-8 and 9-12). In the fall of 2012, the first extension was inaugurated and in 2015 the high school moved into a building built for school purposes but rented two blocks away. With the new space available, the school can now accommodate three classes. A total of up to 800 pupils can now be accommodated.

The state-of-the-art building houses bright, friendly classrooms and specialist rooms, a modern auditorium with a stage and its own school theater as well as three well-stocked libraries. The IT area is equipped with the latest networking technology, which also enables wireless workstations. The spacious, versatile sports hall is also available to groups from outside the school. Students can choose to have a hot lunch or snacks in the cafeteria. The administration is housed in a separate wing above the reception, with a conference room rounding off the optimal spatial facilities. The friendly color scheme as well as ample playgrounds and green courtyards make the school a feel-good place where creativity and collaborative work are encouraged.

Pupils complete their 12-year education with the International Baccalaureate Diploma. This internationally recognized qualification is recognized as an Abitur in Bavaria and other German states under certain conditions. The FIS diploma , which corresponds to the high school diploma in the USA, is offered in parallel.

The philosophy

Children from all over the world should have equal educational opportunities regardless of race, gender, religion and nationality. FIS aims to help them develop their full intellectual, social and physical potential. This is achieved through a curriculum that is not based solely on knowledge transfer, but encourages children to take initiative, awakens their curiosity and creativity and promotes their individual talents. Highly qualified, motivated teachers support and accompany them on this path. All those involved in this process form a team with the aim of helping the children to mature into responsible adults who will fill their place in this world in a meaningful way.

Educational concept

The curriculum of the Franconian International School is developed in close cooperation with the Bavarian Ministry of Education. It is aligned with the most important international school systems, incorporates central American and British educational principles and also offers German children an appropriate basis for their future educational path.

This ensures that children can return to their home school system or transfer to other international schools after a few years at FIS.

The language of instruction at FIS is English. Children with a different language background are introduced to the level of their class at different stages through the special subject "English as an additional language". Spanish is added from Year 6 onwards. German is also taught throughout all grades. In addition to the natural science subjects, sport, art and music are further focal points. The teaching staff is selected from all parts of the world, taking into account the requirements of the Bavarian school authorities.

Contact us

Franconian International School
Marie-Curie-Straße 2
91052 Erlangen

Tel +49 (0) 9131 / 940390
Fax +49 (0) 9131 / 94039301

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