Wichtiger Hinweis
Cumiana (Italy)
Stand: 01.10.2024
City of friendship since 2001
Since 2001, Erlangen has had a close, friendly relationship with Cumiana, a town of 7,000 inhabitants in the northern Italian region of Piedmont not far from the metropolis of Turin, which ultimately grew out of the tragic events of the Second World War: on April 3, 1944, during the German occupation, 51 hostages, who were arbitrarily selected from the town's male population as a reprisal, were shot by German-Italian SS in Cumiana. Investigations in the 1990s revealed evidence of the alleged commander of this commando, a citizen of Erlangen, who then died during the trial before a Turin military court.
Trust and reconciliation developed from the first encounters, which on the German side were supported not only by local politicians, but above all by the Erlangen Alliance for Peace. The focus of activities with Cumiana lies in the area of youth and cultural encounters and, despite the difference in size between the two municipalities, has a great deal of potential for the future.
Cumiana was already mentioned in a document in the year 810. The small town, which also includes the picturesque mountain districts known as "borgate", is home to architectural treasures dating back over a thousand years with its historic churches and the Costa Castle.
Economically, Cumiana is oriented towards Turin, whose factories and offices provide work for a large proportion of the inhabitants. There are also companies in the surrounding area that produce rubber, sheet metal, plastic and resin goods. Agriculture is dominated by fruit growing, and in spring the hills around the town are bathed in the white and pink of the fruit blossom.
Cumiana has a lively community life, ranging from sport to culture; old crafts and traditional festivals are revived, especially in the "borgate". The "Naturalmente Cumiana" fair, which takes place every year in September, showcases local handicraft and agricultural products. The mountains around the town and a nature reserve offer hikers and mountaineers the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the magnificent nature of Piedmont. A campsite is currently being built at an altitude of almost 1000 meters.
Cumiana has set itself the task of protecting its environment and preserving its rich cultural and artistic heritage while controlling its growth. These are objectives that are also supported by the local population and are realistically achievable.
Commemoration: 80th anniversary of the Cumiana massacre
On April 3, 1944, 51 innocent civilians were shot by Italian SS units on the orders of an officer who later lived unrecognized in Erlangen as an act of revenge for a partisan attack.
Commemoration: 80th anniversary of the Cumiana massacre
On April 3, 1944, 51 innocent civilians were shot by Italian SS units on the orders of an officer who later lived unrecognized in Erlangen as an act of revenge for a partisan attack.