Wichtiger Hinweis
Stand: 07.02.2025
It contains the income and expenses.
The resolution on the 2025 budget was passed at the city council meeting on January 16, 2025.
An overview of the finances, such as the city's debt or tax revenue, can be found in the statistics on municipal finances.
All about the household
It is the financial package with all income and expenditure and contains the budget statutes and the budget plan, where the estimated income and expenditure are listed. This includes income and expenditure from ongoing administrative activities, such as income from fees (e.g. for an application for a new ID card or for the issue of a residence entitlement certificate) or the disbursement of funds (e.g. wages and salaries for employees, grants for associations, road and cycle path repairs). Taking out loans or major investments in the coming years are also included in the budget statutes.
The city council - it adopts the budget bylaws in a public meeting. This is because deciding which measures or projects to spend money on is one of the traditional rights of the city council.
This is a long road with many deadlines: In May, the departments receive a first draft of the material cost budgets and the investment program from the city treasury. The departments' objections to this draft are discussed in the budget talks and agreement is ultimately reached. The figures are discussed in the budget talks between the departments and the finance department, and the draft budget is then finalized. This is presented to the city council in a public meeting by the finance officer, Konrad Beugel.
The hot phase of the budget discussions then begins. The city council's political groups and factions discuss the figures internally. The committees vote on the parties' motions and the administration's amendments to the draft. They can also submit further motions on the budget. Subsequent proposals can be submitted by the offices. The advisory councils, such as the Senior Citizens' Advisory Council or the Youth Parliament, can also submit motions on the budget, but only via the Lord Mayor. The city treasurer's office compiles the approved applications and subsequent notifications in the fall and then draws up the budget statutes. After the resolution, it is submitted to the government of Middle Franconia as the responsible supervisory authority for approval.
The meeting dates of the City Council and its composition can be accessed via the council information system.
For each financial year, which corresponds to the calendar year, the City of Erlangen, like all other municipalities, must adopt the budget bylaws. The budget bylaws are always valid for one year.
Once the city council has adopted the budget bylaws , they are sent to the responsible legal supervisory authority. For the city of Erlangen, this is the government of Middle Franconia in Ansbach. If the figures are plausible for the government of Middle Franconia, it approves the financial package with its components requiring approval. If not, the City of Erlangen must make improvements.
As long as approval has not been granted, the budget statutes are not (yet) valid. The city may nevertheless make financial contributions during this period. This is the case if
- it is legally obliged to do so, for example because contracts have been concluded or a law provides for certain payments
- the payment cannot be postponed for the continuation of necessary tasks.
Reports on the budget
FAQs on the budget
Answers to frequently asked questions.
Efficiency through budget consolidation concept
In order to secure future investments in schools, childcare and the city's infrastructure, the city must present a budget consolidation concept. At its December meeting, Erlangen City Council decided to draw up a corresponding concept. This must then be submitted to the government of Middle Franconia as the responsible supervisory authority.
Budget 2025: savings to secure investments
On January 16, the Erlangen City Council approved the 2025 budget by 27 votes to 21.
FAQs on the budget
Answers to frequently asked questions.
Efficiency through budget consolidation concept
In order to secure future investments in schools, childcare and the city's infrastructure, the city must present a budget consolidation concept. At its December meeting, Erlangen City Council decided to draw up a corresponding concept. This must then be submitted to the government of Middle Franconia as the responsible supervisory authority.
Budget 2025: savings to secure investments
On January 16, the Erlangen City Council approved the 2025 budget by 27 votes to 21.
City treasury
Head of office: Heike Bräuer