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Videos: Budget speeches 2024

Stand: 28.05.2024

On January 11, the city council approved the 2024 budget by 39 votes to 8. Investments totaling 117.9 million euros are planned.

Major projects include investments in daycare centers and in the youth sector (EUR 15.3 million), including grants for investments by independent providers in the amount of EUR 4 million. EUR 20.6 million will be invested in schools, including EUR 7.4 million for the vocational training campus. Climate protection and sustainability remain central cross-cutting issues and are reflected in all areas, for example in building renovations.

Speeches to watch as a video

Here you can find the Mayor 's speech as well as the statements of the political groups.

All about the household

Representation of different euro bills

Strong approval for the 2024 budget

With almost 118 million euros, the city is investing massively in climate protection, transportation, childcare, education and quality of life. The Lord Mayor's speech and the statements by the parliamentary groups and political parties were recorded and can be viewed.

Representation of different euro bills

Budget 2024

The financial package includes the city administration's income and expenditure.


Budget and budget bylaws; municipalities

Since January 1, 2007, Bavarian municipalities have had the legal right to choose whether they want to manage their budgets according to the principles of double-entry municipal accounting or cameralistics.

City treasury

Head of office: Heike Bräuer


Nägelsbachstraße 40
91052 Erlangen


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