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Strong approval for the 2024 budget

Stand: 28.05.2024

With almost 118 million euros, the city is investing massively in climate protection, transportation, childcare, education and quality of life. The Lord Mayor's speech and the statements by the parliamentary groups and political parties were recorded and can be viewed.

On January 11, the Erlangen City Council approved the 2024 budget by 39 votes to 8. Investments totaling 117.9 million euros are planned.

Major projects include investments in daycare centers and in the youth sector (15.3 million euros), including grants for investments by independent providers amounting to 4 million euros. EUR 20.6 million will be invested in schools, including EUR 7.4 million for the vocational training campus. Climate protection and sustainability remain central cross-cutting issues and are reflected in all areas, for example in building renovations.

In a pilot project that is unique in Germany, the city will also launch a climate budget. Investments can also be prioritized according to climate impact. EUR 1.5 million will be invested in the footpath and cycle path network. 3.9 million will be invested in the environmental sector, including 1.75 million euros in subsidies for private energy-saving measures. 4.4 million is earmarked for new jobs.

Major investment measures such as

  • the renovation of the Frankenhof cultural and educational campus
  • the Erlangen-West community center or
  • the construction of the four-court gymnasium on Hartmannstrasse - the future Gerd-Lohwasser-Halle - continue.

are continuing.

Grafik mit den wichtigsten Zahlen des Haushalts.

Trade tax revenue is set at 220 million euros in the budget. Income tax revenue is expected to amount to 99 million euros. Once again, the budget does not require any net new borrowing.

Lord Mayor Florian Janik: "It is our duty to structure the budget responsibly so that we can make these investments in the long term. In the budget consultations, we succeeded in meeting these requirements with a large political consensus."

The head of the city gave his budget speech the heading "Cohesion, trust, confidence". Despite global crises, Erlangen can continue to "shape the greatest urban transformation since the Second World War."

Janik continued: "As the city council and city administration, we are setting the course to ensure that this positive development can continue. This includes making our infrastructure fit for the future." The massive investments

  • in consistent and socially balanced climate protection
  • in the traffic turnaround
  • in living together in the city
  • in quality of life
  • in good childcare
  • in education

are also prerequisites for a city worth living in and for cohesion. At the same time, these are investments in Erlangen's future as a modern business and science location.

The Lord Mayor also called for a local contribution to developing solutions for the issues that concern citizens and politicians in these uncertain times. In order to counter the consequences of increasing poverty for many people and families, the ErlangenPass participation offer will be made available in future to those whose income is not enough to live on. We will continue to plan ahead in order to provide good accommodation for people seeking protection in the city. With heat planning, energy advice and subsidies for building renovations, the uncertainty of many citizens in the face of changing legal requirements is also being taken seriously.

Speeches to watch

Here you can find the Mayor 's speech as well as the statements of the parliamentary groups and political groups

(An abridged version is available in the city newspaper "Rathausplatz 1" - February 2024 issue)

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Representation of different euro bills

Budget 2024

The financial package includes the city administration's income and expenditure.

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Videos: Budget speeches 2024

On January 11, the city council approved the 2024 budget by 39 votes to 8. Investments totaling 117.9 million euros are planned.

City treasury

Head of office: Heike Bräuer


Nägelsbachstraße 40
91052 Erlangen


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