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Help for four-year-old girl from Ukraine

Stand: 24.07.2024

The child from the destroyed children's hospital in Kiev is being cared for in Erlangen.

After many months of targeted attacks by Russia on Ukrainian hospitals, Ukrainian soldiers are also regularly receiving medical care at Erlangen University Hospital. Now a child from Kiev's Ochmatdyt children's hospital is also being treated in the Huguenot city.

A very important contribution to humanity

The largest children's hospital in Ukraine was destroyed by a Russian missile attack almost two weeks ago. The four-year-old girl, accompanied by her parents, suffers from cancer. She is now being treated at the university hospital. The city of Erlangen is providing accommodation for the family, who are also being looked after by the city's refugee and integration advice service.

Lord Mayor Florian Janik, who met the family at the town hall, said: "There are only small things we can do in the face of this terrible war. But this example shows once again how important it is to help the people who come to us seeking protection as much as possible. Our university hospital is making a very important contribution to humanity here with its excellent medical services."

Housing wanted

The University Hospital is already providing top medical care for soldiers from Ukraine. Soldiers who were flown to Erlangen from the Ukraine have been rehabilitated using state-of-the-art university medicine, including complex surgical reconstructions. Thanks to the extensive care, many of them are able to return to their everyday lives.

In order to accommodate the soldiers and other evacuees, the administration is still dependent on finding housing, especially low-barrier housing. Anyone who would like to rent out housing specifically to Ukrainians can report the apartment details to the refugee advice service: integrationsberatung@stadt.erlangen.de

Vor einem zerstörtem Haus steht ein Bus.
Photo: Credits: WHO/Uugangerel

More on aid for Ukraine

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Page, War, Ukraine, Refugees, Ukraine aid, Ukrainian, Ukrainian

Erlangen helps: Ukraine

Current information on the Ukraine crisis, help in Erlangen and support for refugees.