Wichtiger Hinweis
Science & Research
Stand: 28.05.2024
With the Friedrich-Alexander University and world-renowned research institutions, Erlangen has an outstanding scientific infrastructure. The city has one of the highest densities of academics in Germany. In the field of innovation, Erlangen regularly leads the European patent statistics at regional level in terms of patent applications per inhabitant and per person in employment. In the 1980s, for example, the well-known "MP3" file compression process for storing audio data was developed here.
Research facilities
The Max Planck Society conducts basic research in the natural sciences, life sciences and humanities. Founded in 2009, the MPL is one of over 80 institutes of the Max Planck Society and covers a broad spectrum of research.
MPL/Florian Trykowski
MPL/Florian Trykowski
The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, based in Germany, is the world's leading organization for application-oriented research. The Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS, headquartered in Erlangen, conducts cutting-edge international research into microelectronic and information technology system solutions and services. Today it is the largest institute of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.
Fraunhofer IIS exterior view/ Kurt Fuchs
Fraunhofer IIS sound laboratory/ Kurt Fuchs
HI ERN was founded in 2013 as a branch of Forschungszentrum Jülich. HI ERN researches and develops material and process-based solutions for the climate-neutral, sustainable and cost-effective utilization of renewable energies.
HI ERN exterior view
The blz works as a link between scientific research and laser technology in industrial applications. It initiates regional, national and European research projects in the field of applied laser technology.
The Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology IISB conducts applied research and development in the field of power electronic systems, for example for electromobility, aviation, Industry 4.0, power grids and energy technology.