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Water protection; flood protection in Erlangen

Stand: 28.05.2024

As a city on the Regnitz, Schwabach, Aurach and Seebach rivers, Erlangen can in principle be affected by flood events. However, the known flood-prone areas in the city are largely undeveloped and there are extensive floodplains for flood retention, particularly along the Regnitz, so that no major damage has been caused by flood events in recent years.

Nevertheless, Erlangen is also connected to the flood information service of the Bavarian Water Management Administration.

There are water gauges on the Regnitz and Schwabach rivers in the city area where the water level is regularly measured and documented. The Bavarian State Office for Water Management publishes the current water levels and characteristic discharge data for the Regnitz and Schwabach on the Internet.

If certain water levels are exceeded, the flood information service takes action and informs municipalities and the public depending on the reporting level.

You can also find out about the location of the flood areas in Erlangen as well as requirements for the storage of heating oil and the handling of substances hazardous to water.

The central concern of preventive flood protection is to maintain or restore the natural retention areas of bodies of water. Building on or filling in floodplains is therefore not permitted.

For existing buildings in areas at risk of flooding, the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing provides tips in a flood protection guide on how buildings and fixtures and fittings can be protected against flooding and rising groundwater. Further information can be found here.

Water Protection Department


Schuhstraße 40
91052 Erlangen


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