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Städt. HoList - Liegnitzer Straße integrative after-school care center

Stand: 28.05.2024

The HoList after-school care center offers 100 after-school places as part of an open concept. It participates in the model project "cooperative all-day education".

Age of children in care: 6 to 12 years
Responsible body: City Youth Welfare Office Erlangen

About the facility

The municipal after-school care center is located in the side building of the Michael Poeschke elementary school in Erlangen's Südstadt district.

The HoList after-school care center has an open concept for 100 after-school places and increasing places for the cooperative all-day program. The first all-day program began in September 2023. 100 additional all-day places will be available from September 2026.

The after-school care center participates in the model project "cooperative all-day education". Amongst other things, it organizes and offers working groups in cooperation with the school. These are run by educational specialists and teachers. Both institutions should continue to develop into a joint educational facility that serves as a living and educational space for both the pupils in the all-day classes and the pupils in the after-school care center.

As part of our cooperation with Lebenshilfe Erlangen e.V., we work together with the partner classes of Georg-Zahn-Schule. The HoLiSt after-school care center offers inclusive places in the tried-and-tested concept, which has been successfully implemented at the MPS since 2017. Through the partner class model, the school makes an important contribution to inclusion. Pupils from both classes have some lessons together and both classes benefit greatly from this joint approach.

Due to the close proximity, there is close cooperation between the after-school care center and the elementary school. Activities and use of space are coordinated.

The term "after-school care at school" refers to socio-educational facilities that are housed directly and immediately in school buildings. In its function, it is to be understood as an institution that supplements and supports the family. The work in the after-school care center takes place under the aspects of Care, education and upbringing.

The focus of after-school care is on homework supervision and leisure activities. In the context of homework supervision, a holistic but also differentiated support approach is to be realized. The guiding principle: help for self-help. Educational leisure activities focus on art and culture, science, sport and experiential education. The development of age-appropriate social skills and finding one's way in a socio-cultural environment are of fundamental importance to us.

During the vacations, a varied vacation program is offered both inside and outside the facility.

Opening hours

School time: Monday to Friday 11:00 - 17:30
Vacation time: Monday to Friday 08:00 - 17:30

Contact details

Liegnitzer Street 22
91058 Erlangen

Tel +49 (0) 9131 400290

Fax +49 (0) 9131 4002920



Website Model project Cooperative all-day education

Department of child day care in regular facilities and child day care

Please send inquiries about daycare places to: kitaplatz@stadt.erlangen.de or + (49) 09131 / 86 -1958


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


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Freitag: 09:30 - 12:00 Uhr