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Jobcenter: Rent ceilings

Stand: 28.05.2024

On this page you will find an overview of the upper rent limits of the Erlangen Jobcenter for the period from 01.06.2023

You can apply for and view apartments in Erlangen according to the number of people in your household and the corresponding gross rent.

If you are interested in an apartment, please ask the landlord for a specific rental offer. You should take the rental offer to the Jobcenter so that the appropriateness of the rent and deposit can be checked.

Household size (persons)
Living space
Gross cold rent
Gross cold rent for energy-renovated apartments
50 m²
539,00 €
593,00 €
65 m²
612,00 €
674,00 €
75 m²
649,00 €
714,00 €
90 m²
806,00 €
887,00 €
105 m²
904,00 €
995,00 €
each additional person
per 15 m²
141,00 €
156,00 €

Gross cold rent: The gross cold rent includes the basic rent plus the cold ancillary costs.
Heating costs : In addition to the above-mentioned gross rent, reasonable heating costs are recognized as a requirement.
Energy-renovated apartments : Proof of an energy-renovated apartment is provided by submitting the energy certificate (see below for more details).
Living space : The living space requirement is a guideline value. The benefits officer responsible for you can provide more detailed information.

General information:

The appropriateness of the accommodation can only be checked with a specific rental offer. This should include the following information:

  • Location of the apartment
  • size
  • Number of rooms
  • Furnishings
  • rent amount
  • Deposit
  • Move-in date

The rent must be broken down into the following components: Basic rent, cold ancillary costs, costs for heating and hot water(warm ancillary costs). If there is a decentralized hot water supply using a boiler or instantaneous water heater, this must be stated.

The appropriateness of the rent and deposit amount must be confirmed to the landlord.

The Jobcenter must be contacted in good time before moving. Any need for relocation costs, payment of the rent deposit or initial furnishings for the apartment must be applied for in good time.

It is expressly pointed out that confirmation of the move must be obtained before concluding a new tenancy agreement.
The benefits officer responsible for you can provide you with information on which relocation-related costs and new rental costs can be covered.

Energy-renovated living space is available under the following conditions:

Energy certificate fromColor bandkWh/sqm x a
01.05.2014greenunder 30 (Efficiency House 40)A+

green30 to under 50 (MFH new build)A

light green50 to under 75 (new EFH building)B

Energy performance certificates are generally valid for ten years. The Jobcenter checks whether all requirements for the existence of energy-renovated living space have been met.