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Jobcenter: Citizen's allowance for refugees from Ukraine

Stand: 28.05.2024

A new legal regulation stipulates that from 01.06.2022, refugees from Ukraine will be entitled to unemployment benefit II/citizen's allowance under certain conditions instead of benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act. The Social Welfare Office and the Jobcenter of the City of Erlangen will endeavor to make the transition to the two benefit areas seamless and uncomplicated for you.

It will not be possible to grant all persons who are entitled to unemployment benefit II/citizen's allowance from 01.06.2022 the corresponding benefit in time for 01.06.2022. However, they will continue to receive benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act as before. If the unemployment benefit II/citizen's allowance is higher, you will receive an additional payment later.

Benefits under SGB II are subordinate benefits, which means that you must first apply for all other (social) benefits (e.g. child benefit, benefits under the Maintenance Advance Act - UVG, parental allowance...).

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